Our Core Areas

May 29, 2017 Our Core Areas

The primary role of ICE is to promote learning and teaching excellence in IMU. Excellence means as developing expertise, creating knowledge, to be at the forefront of innovations, meeting international standards and quality in relation to health professions training and most importantly, to be the change agent in education and training. ICE strives to meet the professional development needs in enhancing quality learning and teaching by organising and conducting various training programmes for IMU faculty members.

ICE focuses on research and development in learning and teaching of health professions. ICE believes learning and teaching can be greatly improved through innovative educational research. Thus, ICE will continuously encourage and provide support to faculty members to get involve in various educational research areas.

Another area of ICE is to organise at least one international conference annually to provide a platform for sharing, learning and networking of health professions in education. Together with the strong collaboration with partner medical schools, these conferences have grown the past 21 years in quality and excellence. Among the highlights of these conferences are the research papers, workshops and recognition for excellence in learning and teaching through The Ron Harden Award for Innovation in Medical Education.

Lastly, ICE also is tasked to ensure the continuous improvement of learning and teaching activities by conducting various evaluations. ICE monitors the quality activities in various learning and teaching areas and provides adequate data analysis to schools to make appropriate remedial measures.  ICE has also been providing consultancy services to health professionals’ education and quality assurance training to some countries in the Asian Pacific region upon their request.