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Empowerment Through Healing: Students’ Reflections from the IMU Chiropractic Community Service in the Philippines

03 May 2024

In a remarkable show of international collaboration and community service, IMU UniversityCamara Institute for Chiropractic Sciences and Intercare Chiropractic Centre Inc. recently concluded their latest chiropractic mission in the Philippines. Spanning from 25 February to 9 March, 2024, this initiative marked another milestone in the ongoing partnership between these institutions, dedicated to bringing health and wellness to underserved communities.


This year’s mission saw the participation of 14 IMU chiropractic students, 2 alumni, and 2 faculty members. The team, led by faculty members Min Ja Hyeon and Melissa Kioh Sheng Hui, embarked on a transformative journey through several cities, including Pasig City, Caloocan City, Quezon City, Navotas City, and Far Eastern University. Here, the students share their experience and involvement in the mission.

Ong Wei Wen

Being part of this mobility programme and Philippines Chiropractic Community Health Project allowed me to experience a whole spectrum of emotions.


Firstly, was the excitement, from being able to see and treat patients for the first time with supervision from our lecturers.


Welcome, from the hospitality provided by our hosts at Intercare.


Amazed, from seeing fellow chiropractors do their work, and the variety of techniques used for treatment.


Entertained, from both observing and interacting with my younger peers. (my secret to looking young)


Humbled, from the realisation of how little I know, and how far off I am in my journey from being competent enough to serve my patients well.


Heart-warming, from the positive responses, hand shakes, fist bumps, and high fives I’ve gotten from being able to make those I’ve encountered feel better.


Heart breaking, from seeing people with little access to healthcare, let alone the luxury of chiropractic care.

Inspired, from hearing Intercare’s founder, Doc Martin on his vision for chiropractic in his home country, reading of his accolades, sharing his philosophy, and observing his practice.


And lastly, thankful for the opportunity to be able to do this.


The experience from this is affirmation that my decision to quit my job, sacrifice 4 years, and make the commitment in returning to study, was indeed the right decision.

Ng Yuki

Participating in the Philippine Chiropractic Community Health Project (PCCPH) was a tiring but fulfilling experience that will always leave a core memory in my heart. This outreach programme enabled chiropractic care to be delivered to the underprivileged who did not have access to essential healthcare due to financial constraints and helped to raise attention on health-seeking behaviours within the Philippine community.

It was a privilege to have been able to treat the Filipino community, helping them to relieve the discomfort and pain they have been experiencing all this while. The satisfactory smile on their face after every treatment made me realise that my small contribution really can make a difference in someone’s life.


The fun times we had in the Philippines, the friendship forged with the local community, and the memories made during this 14-day trip will forever be engraved in my heart.

This outreach programme was definitely a challenging but rewarding journey and I’m grateful to be a part of this programme to support the underprivileged community.


Salamat Po for this fruitful experience!

Tan Xin Yi

Reflecting on my second participation in the Philippine community service project after a six-month period, I am astounded by the profound growth I have undergone. The transformative journey has imbued me with increased competence and confidence, enabling me to provide treatments to patients more effectively and efficiently. This time, I had the privilege of assisting 213 patients—an immensely fulfilling accomplishment for me, indeed.


Every tear of joy, every hug, every smile, and every expression of gratitude from my patients has imbued me with greater confidence in providing care. One of the most unforgettable cases in my journey involved a 60-year-old woman who presented with a persistent jaw lock and excruciating pain, which had been causing her with extreme discomfort. Upon completion of the treatment, tears welled in the patient’s eyes, expressing her profound gratitude for the transformative results. It was a deeply touching moment, filled with immense joy, as I witnessed her overwhelming relief after enduring a decade-long struggle.

As a chiropractic intern, this journey has definitely refined my communication skills, and also my adjustment skills.

Each interaction with patients served as a crucible for personal and professional development, nurturing qualities essential for success in my field. The hands-on experiences and challenges encountered have served as invaluable lessons, fostering a deeper understanding of patient care and fortifying my commitment to excellence in chiropractic practice.

Tan Wynn Khei

Participating in a community outreach programme in the Philippines was a truly rewarding experience for me. Throughout the programme, I encountered various situations and learned valuable lessons. Interacting with patients during the outreach, I could not help but feel empathetic towards their struggles.


Witnessing firsthand the challenges they faced in accessing healthcare due to financial constraints was truly heartrending. Despite knowing that my assistance was temporary and limited, I endeavoured to provide them with relief from pain and demonstrated genuine care.

The warmth and hospitality of the Filipino people left a lasting impression on me. Their welcoming nature and sincere kindness enriched my experience and deepened my appreciation for their culture. Although the trip was tiring, I view it as highly beneficial. It provided me with insights into chiropractic practices and a deeper understanding of the cultural context in which I was serving.


Overall, I consider this trip immensely productive, as it broadened my perspective and allowed me to make a positive impact, however modest, on the lives of others.

Yeoh Yong Jie

I was given an opportunity to join this Philippines Chiropractic Community Service Project as a Semester 6 student and it was definitely a challenging choice to make. From 25 February until 9 March, I went to the Philippines with my fellow peers and classmates to provide free chiropractic treatments for the local marginalised Filipinos. Not only do they have limited access to healthcare, awareness and basic health knowledge, the cost of medical bills in the Philippines is extremely costly compared to our country.


During my community work, I had the opportunity to really get hands-on experience learning how different each person is. I learned how to check for issues by palpation. It was fascinating to see how everyone has their own unique set of problems and how things like bad posture can affect us.


I also learned a lot about talking to people and teaching them how to look after themselves better, especially when it comes to sitting or standing the right way. It was all about making sure they understood what’s going on with their bodies and how they can make things better. It was a great experience because I am able to help people understand their health better and see how small changes can make a big difference.


Initially, I was scared that my lack of hands-on skills might cause harm to the local Filipino, however upon getting a piece of very useful advice from Dr Martin Camara, “Is there a possibility to help, yes? And is there a possibility to harm them, if not, then why not proceed to treat?” His words gave me a strong affirmation and confidence in providing treatments for all the locals.


Besides a day off to the beautiful Laiya beach, the most memorable memory is when I provided my first ever treatment, which was a left shoulder complaint. Shoulder was not the best body part for me to handle however, I still managed to improve the guy’s shoulder range of motion at the end. What was more rewarding was when I saw a smile on the patients’ faces, a simple small gesture like shaking my hand to show gratitude and addressing me by name, that feeling was beyond happiness and that is why I am passionate about helping everyone with my pair of hands.


Overall, it was a fun experience to travel to our neighbouring country to feel the differences, such as culture, working habits, infrastructure and most importantly the food. Filipinos are so friendly, and I believe one of the factors is that most of them can communicate in English, which makes communication much easier. However, I did not take advantage of that, I did try my best to learn some basic Tagalog in order to explain and communicate more effectively while I was providing treatment.


Thank you so much to all the volunteers, Intercare workers and our drivers, I cannot thank you more for the efforts in organising, coordinating and all the unseen work that had been done for us just to ensure everything run smoothly, thank you for the hospitality and feeding us with loads of delicious local delicacies.


To sum it all up, I strongly encourage my peers and juniors to participate in the upcoming outreach as it is a great opportunity to prepare yourself for the working world, for example generating a treatment plan, solving some difficult cases on the spot by yourself and getting used to the flow of treating patients with a short amount of time without neglecting the quality of care.

Besides a day off to the beautiful Laiya beach, the most memorable memory is when I provided my first ever treatment, which was a left shoulder complaint. Shoulder was not the best body part for me to handle however, I still managed to improve the guy’s shoulder range of motion at the end. What was more rewarding was when I saw a smile on the patients’ faces, a simple small gesture like shaking my hand to show gratitude and addressing me by name, that feeling was beyond happiness and that is why I am passionate about helping everyone with my pair of hands.

Overall, it was a fun experience to travel to our neighbouring country to feel the differences, such as culture, working habits, infrastructure and most importantly the food. Filipinos are so friendly, and I believe one of the factors is that most of them can communicate in English, which makes communication much easier. However, I did not take advantage of that, I did try my best to learn some basic Tagalog in order to explain and communicate more effectively while I was providing treatment.

See Jien Terng

Between 25 February, 2024, and 9 March, 2024, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to the Philippines to participate in the Philippines Chiropractic Community Health Project in conjunction with Intercare. It was a truly valuable experience in terms of preparation for my clinical semesters as well as witnessing firsthand the struggles of the less fortunate communities in the Philippines; especially with their limited access to chiropractic care and to healthcare in general.

Over the 2 weeks, after treating and speaking to more than a dozen locals it began to dawn on me the significance of the project. For some it was just about trying out chiropractic but for the ones that came  with actual pain and distress, it was about seeking relief for the sufferings that have burdened them and which have affected their daily lives. To be able to provide these people with even the slightest relief, meant the absolute world to them, and it showed when they left the venue with a smile on their face; it was truly a sight that was touching to the heart.

Overall, I’ve learned and experienced a lot over the course of these 2 weeks and will be forever grateful for this opportunity.

Yeoh Khai Xuan

The journey of participating in the Philippines Chiropractic Community Health Project was undeniably a transformative and invaluable experience for me. Our mission in this community service programme  was to deliver chiropractic care to the underserved, marginalised community in the Philippines, thereby improving their overall well-being and health outcomes.


Throughout my journey in the Philippines, it was a privilege for me to provide chiropractic treatments to local Filipinos of different age groups with various complaints across 7 different communities. One of the most meaningful aspects of engaging in community outreach was the opportunity to bring healing and make tangible changes in the lives of individuals and families in need through my own hands.

Every smile, every instance of pain relief, and every expression of gratitude from the individuals who received treatments had a profound impact on me, reminding me of the value of chiropractic care in improving one’s overall well-being and quality of life. During the outreach programme, I encountered a middle-aged woman suffering from chronic shoulder pain who was not able to raise her arm fully to perform daily tasks. Fortunately, she experienced immediate pain relief and regained mobility beyond her previous limitations following the treatment. It was fulfilling and rewarding for me to witness such a transformation.

I am deeply grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this meaningful community outreach programme, serving the underserved communities in the Philippines. My deepest gratitude to the committee of the Philippines Chiropractic Community Health Project for their incredible hospitality during our times in the Philippines. Salamat Po!

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