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The Centre for Pre-University Studies at IMU offers you learning in a university environment that promotes teamwork, mutual respect and independent lifelong learning.

For this Foundation in Science programme, the Centre has incorporated the concept of quality education, preparing students well for the challenges of university studies. The lecturers in the Centre have the requisite pre-university core competencies in their related disciplines. In addition, they have knowledge of related undergraduate programme requirements but with specific experience that is focused on the teaching and mentoring needs of pre-university students.

Shaping Tomorrow’s
Healthcare Leaders

Embark on a transformative journey at the Centre for Pre-University Studies, where every foundation leads to boundless opportunities, and every student’s potential is nurtured for a future filled with endless possibilities.

Message from the Head of Centre


Dr James Edward Walsh

Director, Centre for Pre-University
BSc, MSc, PhD (Physics-NUI), M.Inst.Phys.,C.Phys.(Inst of Physics London)

“Welcome to an inspiring journey with the IMU Foundation in Science (FIS) programme, your direct gateway to Malaysia’s top medical, health sciences, and healthcare management university. Your time with us will be an inspirational and holistic experience. With our student-centred approach, you’ll engage with our dedicated academics and gain full access to IMU’s cutting-edge digital learning resources and methodologies. This programme will be your key pathway into IMU’s broad range of exciting undergraduate local and partner track programmes, as well as a direct entry to most national universities, and many international ones.


As you embark on this transformative experience, the Foundation in Science programme not only lays the groundwork for your academic journey but also nurtures the skills and knowledge that are integral to your success in healthcare. Through collaborative learning and immersive engagement, you’ll build a solid foundation that not only supports immediate educational goals but also shapes your future in the evolving landscape of medical and health sciences. Let your adventure begin.”

Programme Offered

Achievement & Engagement Activities

  • Mathematics-themed Escape Room Challenge : IMU’s Novel Way to Teach Pre-University Mathematics
Gamification based teaching methods can be used to change behavior, to educate and to motivate, which is important for many students who find mathematics difficult. IMU Foundation in Science (FiS) Mathematics lecturers, Tung Li Qian and Jessica Leong May Fong, have developed a great new and fun way to learn mathematics based on the popular Escape Rooms concept that has become one leading leisure activities among young people. Beating an escape room is challenging yet fun and requires teamwork, speed, creativity, and patience. These are the same qualities which are essential for students to excerefore perfect to be incorporated into Mathematics teaching and learning to enhance students’ interest, engagement and participation in learning activities. Read on to find out how the activities were conducted, here.
  • Celebrating 5 Years of Success in Nurturing STARS!
On 11 January 2019, the IMU  Foundation in Science (FiS) threw a big birthday bash, celebrating its 5th Birthday. It has been a full 5 years since the programme started in January 2014 and this month marks its 5th anniversary. Over the span of 5 years, the Foundation in Science programme has opened its doors to more than a thousand students, nurturing these hopeful faces into the degree programmes that they are interested in. Find out the activities conducted on that day, here.
  • 12 FEB 2015 IMU Foundation in Science Cross Boundary Studies – Chinese New Year Celebrations at Dignity for Children
Ever had the experience of organising a party for 70 toddlers? What do you do if they cried in the middle of the party? Will the choice of food be suitable for them? How do you get them to cooperate with you and participate in the games planned for them? Do they know how to sing along to the nursery rhymes you have picked for them? 42 Foundation in Science (FiS) students were given the task to organise a Chinese New Year celebration for more than 70 pre-schoolers at Dignity for Children Foundation. This project is a task fulfilment of Cross Boundary Studies, one of the modules offered in the Foundation in Science. Read the full story on IMU News.
  • Inaugural Cohort of Foundation in Science Students Successfully Transferred to Clinical Campus
The Foundation in Science (FiS) Programme in IMU introduces students to studies in a very supportive learning environment. The course helps students develop strategies and skills to become a successful student and provide a pathway to gain entry to variety of medical related degree programmes at International Medical University (IMU). Successful completion of the programme will enable students to secure a place in many of the medical related degree programmes offered at IMU. The Foundation in Science programme gives students the opportunity to experience being a university student. These students will be granted full privileges of the University facilities and be given their own student email account and internet access. They will also attend lectures and tutorials and make friends along the way. Students share their experiences with IMU News..

Engagement Activities

  • Mathematics-themed Escape Room Challenge : IMU’s Novel Way to Teach Pre-University Mathematics
Gamification based teaching methods can be used to change behavior, to educate and to motivate, which is important for many students who find mathematics difficult. IMU Foundation in Science (FiS) Mathematics lecturers, Tung Li Qian and Jessica Leong May Fong, have developed a great new and fun way to learn mathematics based on the popular Escape Rooms concept that has become one leading leisure activities among young people. Beating an escape room is challenging yet fun and requires teamwork, speed, creativity, and patience. These are the same qualities which are essential for students to excerefore perfect to be incorporated into Mathematics teaching and learning to enhance students’ interest, engagement and participation in learning activities. Read on to find out how the activities were conducted, here.
  • Celebrating 5 Years of Success in Nurturing STARS!
On 11 January 2019, the IMU  Foundation in Science (FiS) threw a big birthday bash, celebrating its 5th Birthday. It has been a full 5 years since the programme started in January 2014 and this month marks its 5th anniversary. Over the span of 5 years, the Foundation in Science programme has opened its doors to more than a thousand students, nurturing these hopeful faces into the degree programmes that they are interested in. Find out the activities conducted on that day, here.


  • Celebrating 5 Years of Success in Nurturing STARS!
On 11 January 2019, the IMU  Foundation in Science (FiS) threw a big birthday bash, celebrating its 5th Birthday. It has been a full 5 years since the programme started in January 2014 and this month marks its 5th anniversary. Over the span of 5 years, the Foundation in Science programme has opened its doors to more than a thousand students, nurturing these hopeful faces into the degree programmes that they are interested in. Find out the activities conducted on that day, here.
  • Inaugural Cohort of Foundation in Science Students Successfully Transferred to Clinical Campus
The Foundation in Science (FiS) Programme in IMU introduces students to studies in a very supportive learning environment. The course helps students develop strategies and skills to become a successful student and provide a pathway to gain entry to variety of medical related degree programmes at International Medical University (IMU). Successful completion of the programme will enable students to secure a place in many of the medical related degree programmes offered at IMU. The Foundation in Science programme gives students the opportunity to experience being a university student. These students will be granted full privileges of the University facilities and be given their own student email account and internet access. They will also attend lectures and tutorials and make friends along the way. Students share their experiences with IMU News..

Views from Our Community

Cheeng Jong Jiun

Student, Foundation in Science

FIS here at IMU, in my opinion, was definitely the right choice; I'm currently 6 months in and loving every bit of it. There is a wide variety of modules in FIS that provide the opportunity for one to hone their leadership and critical thinking skills. On that note, the lecturers are always responsive and helpful in students times of need. The faculty of FIS also hosts many programmes like: “Get to know” and '’Look, See and Feel’ activities to provide students with the extra knowledge to better prepare themselves in choosing their preferred undergraduate course.   Although, at times all this does come off as rather overwhelming; I've learnt that it is incredibly vital to be disciplined and prioritize time management above all else. I always plan my week in advance, to give myself a better scope on my daily tasks, important activities, and meetings, to ensure that I don't miss out on anything!

Chua Teck Kwang

Student, IMU Dentistry

Foundation in Science (FIS) is indeed a well-designed program as it covers the necessary knowledge for students to progress into their undergraduates’ years. Crucial and heavy topics such as human’s biology, chemistry, mathematics and etc. are well distributed throughout the year of FIS, ensuring the student’s competency as a future healthcare student while at the same time, study-life balance is assured. The faculty of FIS also liaises with various Schools offering undergraduate programmes at IMU to organize ‘Look, See and Feel’ activities. These activities are extremely helpful in depicting the real-life pictures for each undergraduate programme for students to explore and know their interests. For example, when I was a FIS student, I had the opportunity to visit IMU Oral Health Centre while accompanied by lecturers from School of Dentistry. This had helped me to understand what Dentistry is about in a real-life perspective. In short, FIS is simply the best!

Lee Chiu Ying

Student, IMU Nutrition

FIS has provided me with the strong fundamental knowledge of science, communication skills and opportunities to improve myself through various activities. For example, in the Cross Boundary Studies module, it is a group-based work which encourages students to work in a team. Through this module, I was able to strengthen my critical thinking skills and leadership skills which makes me well-prepared for undergraduate study. Also, I like the fact that FIS in IMU is designed to prepare students into the healthcare field with various healthcare related modules like English for Healthcare Professionals, Psychology in Healthcare, Bioscience, etc. Besides, there is also a PBL session in FIS where we discuss a case study and share our thoughts and findings after we did some research on the internet. It really helped me a lot as I gained my confidence and ability to socialise. I am truly glad that I have pursued this programme.

Tan Shi Jie

Student, Nutrition

Studying FIS in IMU was a good choice I had made as I get to learn many things which are related to my undergraduate studies. Hence, I am less stressed when I am in my undergraduate year. During my FIS year, the lecturers are always making our lectures so interesting. The best part of FIS is that I get to know many friends who share the same interest as me and share our ups and downs together. Being a scholar is also an amazing opportunity for me as I get to be involved in many volunteer activities and also be a part of IMU events.

Inarah Audi

Student, IMU Chiropractic

My experience as a student and class representative in the Foundation in Science programme is one that I will forever treasure. As an international student from Singapore coming straight from IGCSE, I was incredibly young and nervous when I entered this course, but I was well supported, especially by the mentor-mentee programme. The lecturers are so wonderful and willing to help and guide you throughout the journey transitioning into a degree! Academically, FIS laid a strong foundation and matured me as a student, preparing me well overall for entering undergraduate studies. Though there were definitely moments where I felt out of my comfort zone, I now appreciate those tough times wholly, as they helped me adjust to studying in a university setting and ease the transition to degree. After having the opportunity of being a class representative in FIS, I am now also the class representative of my current batch! Aside from academics, hosting the orientation for my juniors was incredible! The friendships I made in FIS are some of the strongest I have, even after graduation. FIS taught me so much, both academically and personally, and I'm extremely grateful to have been able to experience it.

Get to Know Academic Members of the School

Our academic members are highly qualified and experienced in different disciplines. The academic community of IMU pursues and achieves excellence in a wide range of research activities.

