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An executive leadership programme for healthcare professionals developed by industry practitioners, curated by IMU University faculty, and taught by global leaders and academics.

Digital Leadership and Value Creation in Healthcare

The global healthcare industry is undergoing a digital revolution fueled by surging investments in health technologies. This presents an unprecedented opportunity to improve patient care, increase efficiency, and drive innovation. However, it also creates a critical need for visionary leaders who can navigate this dynamic landscape.

Explore pivotal themes shaping the healthcare landscape through the lens of a digital conscious leader. Through immersive sessions, real-world case studies, and dynamic discussions, you’ll unlock invaluable insights into healthcare trends and innovations, masterful leadership strategies, strategic digital transformation, and financial stewardship for value creation.

Who Will Benefit

Programme Delivery

Benefits of Joining This Programme

  • Network and learn from peers across the healthcare industry
  • Learn from distinguished industry guest speakers
  • Work on practical case studies through online clinics and activities
  • Experiential learning through site visits
  • Become associated with a premier private healthcare university
  • HRD Corp claimable course
  • Eligible for CPD points from MMA

Learning Outcomes

Strategic Insight into Healthcare Trends and Innovation
Strategic Insight into Healthcare Trends and Innovation

Participants will gain a strategic understanding of healthcare trends and innovations, exploring how advancements in technology, data analytics, and patient-centric solutions can drive value creation within healthcare organisations.

Transformational Leadership and Motivation in Digital Health Contexts
Transformational Leadership and Motivation in Digital Health Contexts

Participants will develop transformational leadership skills tailored to the digital healthcare landscape, learning to inspire and motivate teams to embrace change, innovate with technology, and drive value-driven outcomes that enhance patient care and organisational performance.

Expertise in Digital Transformation Strategies
Expertise in Digital Transformation Strategies

Participants will master digital transformation strategies specific to healthcare, including the integration of digital technologies, process optimisation, and ecosystem collaboration, to create value across the care continuum, improve operational efficiency, and drive sustainable growth.

Financial Acumen for Healthcare Operational Optimisation
Financial Acumen for Healthcare Operational Optimisation

Participants will acquire financial acumen essential for optimising digital healthcare initiatives, understanding how to allocate resources effectively, evaluate investment opportunities in digital solutions, and optimise financial performance to maximise value creation and stakeholder returns.

Innovative Problem-Solving for Value-Centric Decision-Making
Innovative Problem-Solving for Value-Centric Decision-Making

Participants will hone their problem-solving skills in digital healthcare contexts, learning to analyse complex challenges, leverage data-driven insights, and make value-centric decisions that align with organisational goals, drive innovation, and create tangible value for patients, providers, and stakeholders.

Our Team

Prof Dr Gerard George

Group Managing Director of IMU Group


Professor Gerard “Gerry” George is Group Managing Director of IMU Group, the parent company of IMU Education.


Prof George is on leave from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business in Washington D.C. (USA) where he holds the Tamsen and Michael Brown Family Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Previously, he served as Dean and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Singapore Management University (SMU). Before SMU, he was Professor and Deputy Dean of Imperial College Business School, Associate Professor at London Business School, and Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison and Syracuse University.

Prof Saravanan Muthaiyah

Dean of School of Business and Technology


Dr Muthaiyah is currently a full Professor and Dean of SoBT (School of Business & Technology) at IMU University, where he teaches and conducts research in Semantic Web Algorithms, Web 4.0, Data Analytics, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and FinTech. Dr Muthaiyah has over three decades of academic and industry experience combined.


His corporate experience includes working as a systems analyst for IBM World Trade Corporation for 7 years in developing Financial Accounting Systems for Enterprise wide accounting applications. Currently Dr Muthaiyah is currently working on a Prognosis Model for Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer), Fetus Monitoring, EMR Ontology as well as Digitalisation of First Responder tools.


Dr Muthaiyah has published over 150 academic papers in journals and conferences and has been affirmed with 35 IPs till to date.

Dr Khor Swee Kheng

CEO, Angsana Health


Dr Khor Swee Kheng is a physician specialising in health systems and digital health, based between Hong Kong and Malaysia. Currently, he is CEO of Angsana Health (delivering digital health services & systems in Southeast Asia), advises several government agencies and private companies, and has several fellowships in universities and think-tanks.


Previously, he held progressively senior practice roles in medicine, pharma, and think-tanks, based in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Dubai, Shanghai, Paris, Oxford, and Hong Kong, covering over 90 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.


He qualified in Medicine from the National University of Malaysia, has three postgraduate degrees (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians UK; MPH UC Berkeley; and MPP Oxford) and has more than 200 publications.

Neeta Lachmandas

Founder, ConsciousService Pte. Ltd.
Former Executive Director, Institute of Service Excellence, Singapore Management University


With a 25-year career spanning the private sector, public sector and academia, Neeta stands at the forefront of transforming businesses through her expertise in customer experience and service excellence. As Executive Director at the Institute of Service Excellence, Singapore Management University, she spearheaded influential programmes such as the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore, benchmarking companies across diverse sectors. Neeta also drove the development of the SME Consumer Analytics Platform, a pioneering digitalised solution for acquiring consumer intelligence.


Her commitment to professionalising service-based careers is evident in the suite of training programmes and certifications she developed, covering areas from Customer Experience Design to Organisational Change Management. Neeta believes that nothing happens by chance and customer experience and service excellence must be intentionally designed in organisations. Her book, ‘Stay Relevant to Stay Profitable,’ reflects her thought leadership in navigating the complexities of service and digital transformation.


Neeta, with a degree in law and certifications in design thinking and the foundations of neuro-based leadership, brings a wealth of knowledge to her role advocating for continuous innovation and transformative leadership.

Azran Osman-Rani

CEO, Naluri


Azran is the CEO of Naluri, a digital health startup that addresses mental health and chronic diseases together, in a preventive, holistic and outcomes-based approach. He was previously CEO of AirAsia X where he grew it from a business plan to a $1billion IPO with 2,500 employees in six years, and CEO of iflix Malaysia which scaled to 20 million users in 20 markets in 3 years. He held prior leadership roles at Astro, Bursa Malaysia and McKinsey. He holds a Masters and Bachelor’s degrees in Engineering, from Stanford University. He chronicles his leadership challenges in his book, ’30 Days and 30 Years’. He is an Ironman triathlete.

Dr Shunitra CS

CEO, Querist Consulting Sdn Bhd


Dr Shunitra Chandra Segran is a distinguished healthcare leader with over 25 years of experience from within multiple facets of the healthcare industry. With a strong background as a resident surgeon in clinical practice, senior executive in the global pharmaceutical business management, thought leader on transformational leadership in healthcare, entrepreneur, leadership development and coaching experience, Dr Shunitra brings a unique blend of deep expertise, passion and innovation to driving the future of healthcare. As the current CEO and founder of her business consulting firm, Querist Consulting, she is deeply committed to advancing leadership excellence in healthcare and empowering leaders to drive transformative change in their organisations to be future fit.

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