Tia Walker had said, ‘To care for those that once cared for us, is one of the highest honors.’
The Alzheimer’s project at the International Medical University (IMU) started in November 2016 with a small seed of an idea to give a platform for caregivers within Malaysia an understanding on what the disease is about and to keep themselves updated about the latest news globally. This initiative is the running of a blog with contributions from students in different healthcare fields. The project supervisor is Dr Zahra Fazli Khalaf from the Division of Psychology and Bushra Farooq, a Psychology student who designed the blog and has taken the lead role in it.
As a university, IMU has many pillars of education but one of the most important ones is self-directed learning. This project also helps with that as students from different programmes across the healthcare professions will take part in contributing towards this blog through different modes of learning and research work such as interviews, surveys, article writing etc. It will also be a great platform for the interaction of students and lecturers in having in-depth learning and knowledge on this topic which will further enhance their learning in their programme.
The University has always strive to be an engaged university as well as a learning organisation. As a learning organisation, IMU and its community of staff, students and alumni will strive to share a common focus towards making meaningful contributions to the community in producing skilled, knowledgeable, caring and ethical health professionals who will serve the community at large. In the process, we will emphasise on lifelong and team learning. To achieve these objectives, an important mechanism that IMU has established is through the activities under the IMU Cares programme. ADFM-IMU dementia knowledge center is one of the community service activities under IMU Cares in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation of Malaysia (ADFM).
ADFM is a non-profit organisation formed in 1997 with the aim of helping people with dementia and their caregivers in the country. ADFM supports a wide network of support groups throughout Malaysia to empower them to promote and offer care and support for people with dementia and their caregivers. ADFM’s vision is an improved quality of life for people with dementia and their families in the country. Besides that, ADFM plays the role of promoting greater awareness of dementia, besides advocating for the dementia community in Malaysia. |
This blog is a collaboration between IMU Cares under International Medical University (IMU) and Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation of Malaysia (ADFM). The launch of the blog took place on 6 September 2017 at IMU’s Senate Room. The event was witnessed by: – Puan Sri Wendy Ong, Patron, ADFM – Toh Puan Dr Aishah Ong, one of our founding members and current member of IMU’s Board of Trustees – Datuk Dr Yim Khai Kee, Chairman, Ex-Co ADFM – Ong Eng Joo, Vice Chairman, Ex-Co ADFM – Vice-Chancellor, IMU Education, Prof Abdul Aziz Baba – Dr Mei Ling Young, Deputy Vice Chancellor, International & Engagement – Prof Ong Kok Hai, Director of External Affairs Related articles: Raising Awareness of Alzheimer’s in Malaysia
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