IMU Nursing Students Win Third Place for Outstanding Poster Presentation

25 Aug 2016

Outstanding poster award _3 IMU Nursing students, Alicia Wan and Yen Sze together with their supervisor, Kavitha Ramanathan presented their findings on their research “Decision-making Preference of the Female Adult Patient Undergoing a Major Elective Surgery” and won third place for Outstanding Poster Presentation at an international conference with the theme ”Optimizing Health Care Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research and Practice’. award winning students 2 The research objective was to assess the decision making preference of the patients pertaining to their treatment and surgery for better health outcomes. The findings reported that it is significantly important to improve the quality of healthcare needs among patients through empowerment. Additionally, it would further strengthen the patients to optimise the quality of healthcare needs necessarily in achieving an optimum delivery of nursing practice. Held from 22-24 June 2016, the nursing conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the conference was organised by the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). A newly reformed Sustainable Development Goals is targeted to be achieved by 2030. These goals are in line with the Conference title and the theme as a way of marking the beginning of encouraging an integrated healthcare approach with the focus on the most vulnerable patients and significant others.