IMU Postgraduate Student Presented Poster at Conference in France

7 Jul 2015

9 Mar 2015 – International Medical University (IMU)’s postgraduate student, Lam Kit Ying, had the opportunity to present a poster at the 12th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases (AD/PD 2015). Her on-going Masters project with the title, ‘Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Orientin against Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Oxidative Damage in SH-SY5Y Cells’ is strongly related to this AD/PD conference and she was accepted to present her poster during the second day of the conference.

“I feel proud to present my precious work to other researchers from all over the world despite my project is not advance as other researches.”

PG4 AD/PD conference is a high-quality scientific program covering most recent research, developments, and treatments, with emphasis on overlaps and congruent results among AD, PD and related neurological disorders. At the conference, Kit Ying have also been exposed to the important aspects of diagnosis in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases and other neurodegenerative disease. She has also been updated with the current treatment of PD with IPX066 and safinamide as well. The oral presenters impressed her significantly with their excellent presentation skills as well as the capability to convince people about their interesting findings. In addition, the plenary sessions were meaningful experiences for Kit Ying to learn more about AD/PD in a different manner, for instance, how the shortened telomere can affect human lifespan and the risk of getting diseases. It was suggested that smoking and severe chronic stress can cause shortening of telomeres and leads to some cancers, fibrosis, diabetes and neuropsych, whereas more exercise can reduce the risk of getting stress-related telomere shortening. PG2 There was another plenary session was about the concept of subconsciousness in AD and PD. The presenter brought out the meaning of subconsciouness interestingly in which it has the properties of ‘everytime’, ‘everywhere’ and ‘the best reflection of the personality’ just like the neural basis in romantic love. He pointed out that PD in fact is subconsciousness in which the tremors happen automatically in PD patients and AD is preconsciousness in which AD patients experience memory loss non-automatically.

“This conference was a really supportive platform for me to have more knowledge about AD/ PD and provide me a comprehensible direction of the future AD/PD research trends.”

PG1 The 12th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases (AD/PD 2015) was held on 18 – 22 March 2015 at Nice, France. The Conference is at the forefront of unraveling the mechanisms and improving the treatment of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other related neurodegenerative diseases. There were more than 3500 participants from all over the world to join this 12th International Conference on AD and PD. “I would like to thank to AD/PD conference for giving me a chance to learn. My gratitude thanks must go to my supervisors Dr Anna Ling Pick Kiong, Dr Koh Rhun Yian and Wong Ying Pei for exposing me with this wonderful AD/PD conference as well as taking care of me during the journey in the beautiful Nice, France.”