IMU Team Emerged Champion at the 1st Intervarsity Battle of Skills Competition

3 Aug 2022

A team of 4 final year IMU medical students won the 1st trophy at the Intervarsity Battle of Skills Competition. This IMU team consist of Hue Per Wern, Liang Shang Hang, Siew Li Ying and Lee Sze Theng, who are currently doing their clerkship posting in Batu Pahat and Kluang.


The 1st runner up was the team from Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (Tiong Hong Wei, Chin Wen Shan, Yong Yee Ying, Lai Wei Jan) and the 2nd runner up was Monash Medical School represented by Goh Huay Ziah, Eadmund Ooi Sheng En, Caleb Fong Kin Ling and Lim Wai Kit.

The 1st Intervarsity Battle of Skills competition which was organised by IMU in collaboration with the Malaysian Society for Simulation in Healthcare (MaSSH) on 23 July 2022. This competition is the first of many more and is special as it coincides with the IMU 30th anniversary celebrations.


This event involved 1 team of 4 final year students per medical university competing with each other to win prize money and trophy. 12 teams registered for this competition bringing the total participants to 48.

Participating Universities
International Medical University Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Monash University
MAHSA University Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Malaya
QUEST International University Perak International Islamic University Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi MARA Universiti Putra Malaysia

In this competition, teams had to compete a total of 7 rounds and each round consisted of challenges by various disciplines.

Challenges were in the form of knowledge, skills, leadership and aptitude assessment. Assessment was through demonstration of practical skills, low fidelity simulation, e-learn led knowledge checks, game related which was solving a crossword puzzle and immersive simulation. Judges for each round included both in house IMU evaluators and external evaluators of the participating universities.


Held at the IMU Clinical Campus in Seremban, this event was made possible by the teamwork among faculty from various disciplines, IT, E-learn, Clinical Skills & Stimulation Centre (CSSC) staff, Facilities Management & Administration team (FMA) and not forgetting the student representatives led by Chris Chow Yi Khai and their team of student volunteers.


This was a new experience for the faculty and students, and we hope to improve and make each year better, more exciting and different so that participants learn, make friends and enjoy healthy competition.

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