‘Omics platform had been frequently used in scientific research recently due to its increasing budget affordability and high data throughput. However, the majority of the subscribers in Malaysia are still dependent on external bioinformatics services for data interpretation. This had limited the scope of analyses that can be carried out (e.g. usually restricted to standard procedure offered by the service provider) which might resulted in bias interpretation of data. Further, few had extended their research by incorporating multiple ‘omics platform to allow a full systems biological evaluation of the target studied. In order to address these issues, a workshop entitled “Statistical approaches for integrative omics data analysis” was co-organised by IMU and Research Instrument Sdn Bhd to provide relevant hands-on training on integrative data analyses and interpretation. The event held on 1-2 September 2015 in the IMU Bukit Jalil Campus successfully attracted 26 researchers from diverse background such as private industry, research institutes and tertiary teaching institutions. Key topics including advance data pre-possessing and statistical analyses for 16S metagenomics, faecal/urine metabolomics, microarray transcriptomics and cross ‘omics integration was discussed. The participants were introduced to the laboratory and sampling pre-requites for relevant ‘omics platform, followed by training in scripting using open-sourced program and guided tutorial using commercial software. Based on the post workshop feedback, the participants were pleased with the content and training given. More importantly, they enjoyed the facility and hospitality received in IMU!
We hope that the success of this workshop will facilitate the training of more systems biologist among Malaysia’s research communities and encourage the extension of research projects currently focusing on single ‘omics platform into holistic integrated study. Refer to this website for more information on upcoming courses.
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