Meet-Up Brings Together IMU Alumni in Ipoh

16 Aug 2016

30 July 2016 – The IMU Alumni Office hosted an alumni gathering in Ipoh. This gathering took place at MH Hotel, Ipoh on a lovely sunny Saturday evening. We received a small group of alumni for the gathering and it was one of the most casual and intimate sessions that we’ve had to-date. A total of 13 alumni from the Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Dietetics with Nutrition programmes respectively were present at the gatheirng. IG4IG3 Dr Purushotham Krishnappa, Head of Division, Pathology gave a very engaging introduction to the gathering. He also shared tips, ideas and information about the alumni network, and drove the message home by sharing the importance of alumni involvement at IMU. The party then had a mini focus group session according their respective programmes where they shared in-depth stories and feedback with the lecturers on-site. The overall feedback received were positive. IG2IG5

We are pleased and happy to know that IMU alumni are generally well-received in Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Ipoh with all the doctors having a good impression of them knowing that they were from IMU. Alumni from other programmes have also stated that IMU has prepared them well for work especially with the practical trainings that were embedded in the curriculum.

The gathering concluded with a dinner up on the 20th floor of the hotel, overlooking the brightly lit Ipoh town.