Mental Health – In Pursuit of Perfection

5 Jul 2017

Mental health is about a person’s condition with regard to their psychological, emotional and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act and is important at every stage of life from childhood to adolescence through adulthood. Mental health disorders (illnesses) ranges from anxiety disorders to behavioural disorders to obsessive compulsive behaviours to depression, bipolar, schizophrenia and others. In fact, mental health problems are very common and is becoming a rising concern. The World Bank had predicted that 340 million people will suffer from depression by 2020. Malaysians are also not far from the radar as reports have indicated that three* out of every 10 Malaysians will fall victim to some form of mental health issue in the course of their lives and psychologists believe that the numbers will continue to rise. However, most Asians are afraid to talk about these conditions as it is seen as a stigma or a sign of “weakness”. So what are the causes of this escalating condition? What can you do to improve the quality of life? Steve and Shaz from the Lite Breakfast Show (Lite.FM) discusses with Dr Philip George, IMU’s Consultant Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Specialist, on the stressful life people are living in the pursuit of perfection and how to keep a balance to achieve a healthier lifestyle. The “free clinic” also shared practical tips and advice on managing different mental health issues. *Ref: NHMS 2015. Here are other related reads: