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Practical Attachment for IMU Biomedical Science Student in Singapore

04 Aug 2014

A final year IMU Biomedical Science student, Natasha Nivashini Krishnan, had the opportunity to do her 2-month practical attachment at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) in Singapore under the University’s Student Mobility Programme. Recalling her experience in Singapore, Natasha said, “Being a part of TTSH for 2 whole months was a wonderful experience as I had the chance to perform various hands-on tests and observe certain procedures being done on specimens that I could only dreamed of. I was also equipped with much knowledge on the quality control of all the automated equipments found in the laboratory as they had to be calibrated on a daily basis. This was truly rewarding as whatever I have learnt was so much more than whatever knowledge that the books can provide me with.”

“Over the period of two months, I had the opportunity to work in six departments, which were Central Processing, Microbiology, Haematology, Blood Transfusion Services, and Biochemistry. At the end of each posting at a department, a mini quiz was conducted to ensure that the knowledge imparted were sufficient! There were added assignments which helped me to further understand what the principles of each tests were and the purpose they were for. The staff at each department were ever so kind, offering help and prompting me whenever needed.” 15387_10152529267777208_8205620784099448199_n10472693_10152529277487208_8671026558552852052_n (497x310) “My 2-month stay in Singapore was most definitely not all work and no play! I made sure I found time to meet up with my fellow batchmates who were also in Singapore completing their attachments, and we had the opportunity to chat about the experiences gained in our respective placements over dinner. I also spent most weekends heading out and about exploring the city and hitting the tourist spots. Among the places visited include Gardens by the Bay, Sentosa Island, Orchard Road. I even managed to catch a musical at the Marina Theatres.”

“To sum it all up, I would never trade this internship experience in for anything! Most importantly, the knowledge that IMU provided me with, helped a lot as whenever a test was given, I would immediately have a flashback to the respective lecture being taught in class. So, Thank You IMU for this memorable and fruitful experience!”

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