Showcasing Specialty Areas within Psychology

24 Jun 2016

25 April 2016 – IMU’s Psychology students organised a Psychology week to showcase various specialty areas within Psychology. Approximately 70 students from all cohorts took part in this event. One of the highlights of the first day was various experimentations that was conducted by students on Sensation and Perception. Activities involved assessment of blind spot and peripheral vision, colour blindness assessment and assessment of visual accuracy. On the same day, students also conducted activities on Motivation and Emotions. These activities included differentiating the different types of motivational sources in eliciting motivation and examining the availability of perceived choice in the influence of motivation in task performance. IMG_1670IMG_1727 Day Two saw the psychology students conducting a Health Exhibition to increase awareness on various different health issues which included Sleep Hygiene, Sleep Disorders, Obesity Prevention and the Harmful Effects of Tecnology. On the same day, junior students conducted other activities: Biofeedback, Mirror Tracing and Tower of Hanoi. IMG_2170 On the following day, the activity for Psychology Week centered on Clinical Psychology. Students conducted a poster presentation which showcased the role of clinical psychology in the healthcare system and different types of psychotherapy approaches used for the treatment of psychological issues. The final day of the Psychology week saw senior students organising an 3rd annual Professionalism and Ethics Forum! The main topic is “Ethical and Professional Issues in Malaysia and How to Solve Them?” Panel speakers included Dr. Alvin Ng Lai Onn – Clinical Psychologist & Sunway University Lecturer, DSP Foo Chek Seng – Police Oficer from JPJKK Bukit Aman and  Haslinah Yacob – Former President of All Women’s Action Malaysia (AWAM). IMG_2085IMG_2038 Related article : IMU Staff and Students learnt more about Applications of Psychology