Do You Want to be an IMU-lionaire? : Staff – Students Interactive Competition at IMU

28 Sep 2015

28 August 2015 – It wasn’t the usual Friday afternoon break. On this sunny afternoon, Student Ambassadors 2015/2016 had their very first exciting activity led by student ambassadors Tan Zhi Xin, Yu Sue Mun and Angeline Yeoh, called “Do you want to be an IMU-lionaire?”. This activity was planned out for the staff and students of International Medical University (IMU). It took several months of preparation by the Student Ambassadors for this very special day. Participants and audience gathered at the Driveway for the event which started at 1pm.


A total of 10 teams signed up for the event; each team consisting of an IMU staff or lecturer and two students. The teams were divided into three rounds. Each round, the teams compete against each other to answer 15 random questions by sending a representative to ring the bell in the centre once the question is asked. The competition got intense as the runner of the team, determined to collect points for their team, raced to be the first to ring the bell. 11904699_10206557886278480_2703122470079955468_n You might be wondering what questions were asked, well, the questions comprised of various topics such questions regarding IMU, general knowledge, mathematics, celebrities and much more. The students and staff anxiously discussed the best answer to each question. Some questions were tricky but it was not a problem for the teams as they had superb teamwork. M3 It was clear to see that everyone was determined to collect points for their team and it was great to see the teamwork and bond between the staff and the students. The event was filled with laughter and smiles from both participants and the viewers. The excitement attracted more viewers throughout the event.

After three exciting rounds, prizes were given to the winning team of each round. Team Awesome A won the first round, followed by team Megajase dominating the second round and team Z winning the third round.

P1P2P3 The winning teams were all smiles as they won Mad Alchemy vouchers worth RM15 each while the rest of the participants received a RM5 Mad Alchemy voucher each. The event ended at 2:30pm with all smiles as everyone went home with a prize. 11896204_10206557912319131_6710961245268132668_o

“It’s not winning or losing. It’s the friends and the people that you meet along the way” – Summer Altice

This article is written by Student Ambassador, Yeo Jowynna Xia-Ni.

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