Training and Development


The IRDI provides free courses to all IMU Early Career Researchers, Postgraduate Researchers and Undergraduates Students.

Our training courses guide shows which courses are most relevant for you in terms of where you are in your programme of study. The courses vary in length and format, from one hour seminars to online courses that you can complete or use as an information resource in your own time.

All IMU faculty and staff engaging in research are encouraged to complete the relevant training courses prior to submitting an application for IMU-JC review and starting of their research activity.

CITI Programme offers research ethics, compliance, and professional development education on a number of subjects for various audiences, including researchers, students and faculty, IRB members, and research administrators. The online courses are used worldwide by over 2,200 organizations and more than 1 million learners around the world annually.

Programme and Courses Details

The programme is offered as a series of courses. Upon completion of each course, you will receive a Completion Report and a Completion Certificate.
Responsible Conduct of Research Investigators planning to conduct research at IMU
Health Information Privacy and Security Individuals who work with individually identifiable health data (e.g. clinician, nurses, registrars and etc).
Conflicts of Interest Investigators who receive funding from external sponsors, including public funding, contract research and private consultancy.
Human Subjects Research Researchers who work with human subjects in research setting (e.g. clinical trials, biospecimen, survey, interview and etc).
Good Clinical Practice Researchers involved in clinical studies and clinical trials of drugs, biologics and devices.
Animal Care and Use Investigators who work with animals in a research setting.
Healthcare Ethics Committee Healthcare Ethics Committee members and health professionals.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Animal Ethics Committee members.
Committee (IACUC) members

Enago Learn’s Academic Writing and Publication certificate programme will guide you through the publication process and help you achieve success in publishing in International Journals. We are offering the following 2 courses developed by top publication experts to all IMU academics and students.

Course 1: How to Submit a Journal Article and Get it Published (with 8 videos)
Course 2: How to Write an Effective Research Paper (with 6 videos)

Check the following guidelines to subscribe:

If you wish to schedule other research training workshops on site for your school, department or a class, please contact the IRDI Office.