IMU‘s Information Technology Services (ITS) Department and IMU CARES collaborated to organise a charity programme for children from four (4) homes. The objective of this programme was to educate the children on the usage and application of Power Point in preparing presentations as part of IMU’s community service. 30 children from Rumah Charis, Rumah Victory, Ti-Ratana and Precious Home were chosen to participate in this Power Point training. This programme also enabled IMU’s students to mentor and facilitate the children whilst preparing the PowerPoint presentation with the children collaboratively. The first training session took place on the 10 October 2015. This training was conducted by staff from ITS Department. The children chose their desired title and were tasked to prepare slides for the competition. An online quiz using KAHOOT was conducted as part of the engagement between the students and the children as well as to deepen the children’s understanding on the Power Point tutorial. The second session continued on 17 October 2015. During this session the mentors played the main role in guiding the children to prepare their slides for the competition. The mentors coached them on preparing the Power Point presentation. They coached the children on how to present their slides in English. Most students prepared a write up for the children so that they could present their slides effectively. The competition took place on 30 October 2015 with the help of twelve (12) judges. The mentors, children and judges were briefed on the rules and regulations. Three (3) teams of ten (10) were then formed. All the presentation was judged based on a few criteria which includes Technical Use of the PowerPoint tools, Communication Skill and its content. Top three (3) prizes were given away for first, second and third placing respectively. There were also twenty seven (27) consolation prizes given out for the rest. Apart from the prizes, all of them were also given a Certificate as part of their attendance for the training. The first prize were presented to Wong Li Ye from Rumah Charis, Sky Chin from Ti-Ratana came in second while the third prize went to Lee from Rumah Victory. Not only did the children benefited from this training, it also provided the platform for our students to become a mentor. By mentoring these children they enhanced their communication skills by getting their ideas through to the children in a way that they understood it. Overall, this programme was very successful event.