A Successful and Memorable Third International Dental Students’ Conference at IMU

6 Jul 2023

IMU School of Dentistry under the leadership of Prof Seow Liang Lin (in the photo above), Dean of the School, organised and successfully conducted the third edition of the International Dental Students’ Conference 2023 (IDSC 2023) on 6-7 May 2023. The Conference with the theme of ‘Academic and Clinical Expertise through Research’ was organised in a HYBRID mode with participation in both onsite and online presentations. Numerous fresh ideas, concepts, clinical strategies, and methods, in the field of dentistry, were discussed at this conference.


This conference aimed to provide a platform for dental students, graduates, practitioners, educators, and researchers to share their research and clinical work, and interact and collaborate with participants from across the globe.


The conference had a packed programme with many keynote speakers:

Prof Murray Thomson
Prof Cynthia Yiu
Prof Filippo Graziani
Associate Prof Atiphan Pimkhaokham
Associate Prof Jacob John
Prof Seow Liang Lin

University of Otago
University of Hong Kong
University Hospital of Pisa
University of Chulalongkorn, Thailand
University Malaya

Prof Toh Chooi Gait, Prof Muneer Gohar Babar, Prof Seow Liang Lin, and Prof Cynthia Yiu conducted a panel discussion on the topic: Lectures versus Self-directed Learning – Uncloaking the Enigma.


There was a total of 94 abstracts and 106 participants from various countries, including India, Philippines, Germany, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and Oman. Students had opportunities to participate in various competitions such as oral scientific presentations, clinical case presentations, oral health promotion videos, dental photography competitions and quiz competitions; this conference provided a platform for students to present their research findings and sharpen their analytical skills and presentation skills.

Two Post-conference Workshops 

3D Acumen in CBCT interpretation – a Hands-on training conducted by Dr Prashanti Chippagiri
The Art of Suturing – Skills Refinement Workshop conducted by Dr Naveen Jnanendrappa

This conference was steered by Dr Spoorthi Ravi Banavar as Conference Chair and A/Prof Dr Umer Daood as the co-chair. They expressed their gratitude to all the keynote speakers, participants, and IMU Senior Management and appreciated the entire organising committee team members for their hard work and dedication in making IDSC 2023 a very successful and memorable event.


This event was supported by Fitebac as the Diamond sponsor with additional support from Haleon, Galla Dental and Dentsply Sirona.

Organising Chair


Dr Spoorthi Ravi Banavar
Senior Lecturer,
Programme Director, Dentistry Programme,
School of Dentistry, IMU

Organising Co-Chair

A/Prof Dr Umer Daood,
Head, Restorative Dentistry Division,
School of Dentistry, IMU