An Enriching Learning Experience for IMU Chiropractic Students at Central Queensland University

26 Sep 2023

A group of 15 International Medical University (IMU) Chiropractic Students recently had the privilege of visiting Central Queensland University (CQU) Brisbane. This enriching experience was made possible through a collaboration between our institution and CQU.


Our students had a comprehensive experience, dividing their time between practical sessions at CQU’s renowned chiropractic clinic in Indooroopilly and engaging in skill-enhancing labs at their primary campus on Ann Street.


Dawn Dane, CQU’s Head of Course for Chiropractic, shared her thoughts on the visit: “Hosting the students from IMU has been a great pleasure for the staff and students at CQU Chiropractic. The students from both institutions have had a fabulous time working together during in-class activities and getting to know each other in more social settings. Such cross-cultural interactions are invaluable for upcoming healthcare professionals. We’re excited about future student exchanges.”

During their stay, our students not only delved deep into academic pursuits but also embraced the local culture. They visited iconic places such as the Lone Pine Animal Sanctuary, Brisbane City Hall, and the Museum of Brisbane. They also had the unique opportunity to interact with CQU’s chiropractic alumni, participate in a Chiropractic Australia Webinar, and even role-play as patients for CQU’s fourth-year students’ assessments.

Furthermore, our students undertook CQU’s BeDifferent First Nations Cultural Competency course, providing them with insights into cultural sensitivity. They also shared their knowledge about cultural practices in the Malaysian healthcare setting.

Our Chiropractic Programme Director, Wong Yi Kai, reflected on the experience, stating, “The primary goal of this visit was to provide our students with a multicultural learning environment. It’s about immersing them in diverse settings and broadening their horizons beyond the regular classroom.”


Wong Yi Kai added, “Our collaboration with CQU is a testament to what global academic partnerships can achieve. It’s a journey of mutual growth, fostering a deep understanding between cultures. Such experiences are invaluable, leaving our students with lifelong memories and lessons.”


We at IMU are excited about the future prospects of this collaboration and look forward to more of our students benefiting from such international exposures.


The same article has featured in the World Federation of Chiropractic’s Quarterly World Report (QWR) for Q4 2023: IMU students visit CQU on historic study tour