An IMU Students’ Project: Enhancing the Learning of English and Science

17 Apr 2013

6 March 2013 – IMU students were assigned to create posters on the theme ‘Inventions Inspired by Health’ as part of their English for Health Sciences module assessment. With secondary school students as the target audience, this bi-annual project aims to enhance the learning of English and Science in our community. This year, the posters were exhibited at the Atrium, IMU Bukit Jalil campus and the IMU students gave oral poster presentations to the audience. A total of 38 posters were exhibited and thereafter donated to the SMK Sri Sentosa Library. Students of SMK Seri Sentosa accompanied by two teachers attended the event. The students enjoyed the experience and the teachers were truly appreciative of the efforts in equipping their school with resource material. DSC_0171 This project is aimed at empowering IMU students to be self-directed in researching topics of interest and relevance, enhancing teamwork and improving communication skills. The secondary aims were to encourage secondary school students to take a keener interest in the health sciences and to share learning about sciences in a fun and creative manner. DSC_0204 An event initiated by the Language Department, this project had enhanced teamwork and improved communication skills amongst the IMU students as they were expected to present the posters to their lecturers, peers and the invited secondary students. DSC_0225

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