Fun and Interactive Workshop for Future Dentistry Students

5 Feb 2018

Informative, interesting, fun and exciting………This is how participants describe the first Student Exploratory Workshop – Intro to Dentistry at the IMU campus in Bukit Jalil on 19 January 2018. These students comprising of upper secondary school and pre-university students experienced a half-day workshop which provides them the opportunity to explore dentistry as a potential career choice through a series of interactive and hands-on activities.



The students were guided on the activities by workshop facilitators, comprising IMU lecturers and faculty members at the University’s Dental Skills Centre (DSC). These activities include making impressions of the dental arch in phantom heads as well as preparation of dental arch model and a single tooth model.



The students had a fantastic time with these activities which gave them a clearer picture on what dentistry and being a dentist is all about.

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