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Gaining Insights at IRDI’s Translational Research Seminar

08 Jul 2019

There is growing recognition that diet and gut health is linked to the development of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. Factors such as a rise in the ageing population, healthcare costs, global affluence, and better informed consumers have driven to a growing demand for value-added nutrition products such as ingredients, foods, beverages, and supplements. The Institute for Research, Development, and Innovation (IRDI) in collaboration with the School of Health Sciences of International Medical University (IMU) organised the 4th Translational Research Seminar titled Development of New Food Products with Substantiated Health Benefits: An Australian Perspective featuring Dr Damien Belobrajdicis in IMU Bukit Jalil campus on 27 June 2019. The objective of this talk was to provide insights into how Dr Damien and his team work with the food industry to develop a preclinical and clinical understanding around the health benefits of novel foods, which are newly developed foods using innovative food technologies but are yet for human consumption. In this talk, Dr Damien highlighted that fibre plays an important role in the integrity and proper functioning of the large bowel as well as regulating various metabolic processes. Hence, diets and wholegrains high in fibres such as resistant starch can improve gut and metabolic health at the population level.

About Dr Damien Belobrajdicis
Dr Damien is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Health and Biosecurity where he leads multidisciplinary research projects investigating the physiological, biochemical and molecular processes that are important to understanding how food and food components modulate gut and metabolic health. His research efforts in the last decade have focused on determining the nutritional and health benefits of cereals and grain components, and in providing a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of benefit to support the development of improved cereal-based foods that deliver substantiated health benefits to consumers.

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