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Gotong Royong Spirit: Honouring Nurses Day 2024 with Compassion and Unity

27 Sep 2024

Nursing is a noble profession that embodies compassion and selflessness. Every year, nurses around the world are celebrated for their hard work and sacrifices on 12 May, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, born in 1820. Florence Nightingale, a British nurse who tended to wounded soldiers during the Crimean War, is renowned for her image as the “Lady with the Lamp,” navigating the dark nights with a lamp to treat the wounded. She saw herself as a servant to God and humankind, paving the way to diminish human suffering. Her legacy lives on through the formalisation of nursing education with the establishment of the Nightingale School of Nursing in 1860, the first scientifically based nursing school.


To celebrate Nurses Day 2024, the nursing faculty at IMU University organised a special event titled “Joining Hands: A ‘Gotong Royong’ in conjunction with IMU Nurses Day Celebration.” This event saw enthusiastic participation from students and faculty across various divisions, including medicine, pathology, and pharmacology, under the leadership of Ms Deepa Kaliappen. The event aimed to honour the compassion and kindness that nurses uphold by fostering teamwork and providing help to those in need. It also offered IMU University students a chance to experience philanthropy through voluntary work, enriching their university experience with a sense of community and fulfilment.


The venue for our event was the Ti-Ratana Welfare Society, a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting the underprivileged. Ti-Ratana provides aid to vulnerable groups such as orphaned children, neglected elderly folks, victims of domestic violence, individuals facing poverty, and the handicapped. The Nursing Division at IMU University has a long-standing tradition of volunteering at Ti-Ratana, with past events including annual health inspections for children and the elderly and educational sessions on diabetic awareness and care.


For this event, Ti-Ratana’s management informed us of their need for manpower and resources to clean the facility in preparation for the Wesak Day celebration, a significant event for their community which is rooted in Buddhist values.

Gotong Royong Activity at Ti-Ratana Welfare Society in Desa Petaling

Early in the morning, we arrived at Ti-Ratana Welfare Society in Desa Petaling, Kuala Lumpur and were greeted by the lush green surroundings, which added to the peaceful atmosphere of the place. Children played joyfully, and elderly folks watched us with curiosity as we were warmly welcomed by the management. They quickly briefed us on the areas needing cleaning, and we divided into groups to tackle the prayer room, dining hall, and kitchen. Initially, we were overwhelmed by the state of the prayer room assigned to us. Dense layers of dust covered the floors, shelves, and walls and hardened candle wax stuck to the prayer tables. However, the optimism and eagerness of my team members to restore cleanliness lifted our spirits.


To energise the atmosphere, we played music while cleaning, with smiles and laughter throughout. Together, we dusted shelves, wiped down Buddha statues, scraped off candle wax, swept, and mopped the floors. Although physically tiring, the satisfaction of working together was uplifting. We also enjoyed interacting with the curious children and elderly folks who approached us during our work. Finally, after completing our tasks, we admired the transformation of the prayer room and other areas, pleased with the result of our collective effort. As we gathered at the end of the event, we bid farewell to Ti-Ratana’s management, who thanked us cheerfully.


Returning to IMU University in the afternoon, tired and hungry, we were treated to a delicious lunch arranged by the nursing faculty. As we ate together, we bonded over our shared experiences, leaving everyone feeling undoubtedly fulfilled. The beautiful memories we created in this short time will be cherished by students and faculty alike, serving as a sweet reminder of our time at IMU University. Above all, this event truly commemorated the teamwork, generosity, and compassion that nurses embody every day.


Happy Nurses Day 2024!


Written by Chin Buey Lynn (NU1/21)
Reviewed by Dr Lim Swee Geok and Ms Deepa Kaliappen

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