Four students from the International Medical University (IMU)’s Chinese Medicine programme, Tan Hzu Khim, Julia Cho Sae Jin, Lim Goon Month and Chia Li Wey participated in the University’s Student Mobility Programme and have the opportunity to spend three weeks in Shanghai, China. During this visit, Hzu Khim, Julia, Goon Month and Li Wey visited Shu Guang Hospital in Shanghai where they observed how experienced traditional medicine doctors perform acupuncture, cupping, massage and moxibustion on patients. The students were taught multiple tuina techniques and Hzu Khim and Li Wey had the opportunity to practice their tuina techniques on a patient suffering from backache. The four students also had social activities during their mobility programme in Shanghai – they visited Hang Zhou Tian Mu Shan and learnt about medicinal herbal plants that can be found on this mountain. This was a unique experience for the students as they were able to see, touch, smell and taste the fresh herbs, reminding them of what they have been taught at their Chinese Materia Medica lectures at IMU.
“We have learnt a lot, made new friends, and, gained some memorable times. We are extremely happy that IMU encourages students to participate in this Student Mobility Programme and are grateful to Shanghai University of TCM for being our host. Travelling has definitely given us a chance to explore a different culture and broaden our outlook on traditional Chinese medicine practices. We also improved our proficiency in Mandarin”.
At the International Medical University, the Student Mobility Programme is designed for its students to pursue a study visit, internship, research or elective module at other universities, research institutions, hospitals or industries abroad Students who join this programme will have a chance to obtain an international experience that will greatly enhance their learning, gain better understanding of their study area and provide an opportunity for them to experience a different perspective on their academic subjects.
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