IMU Medical Alumnus Shares his Experience with Clinical School Students

20 Jun 2016

Dr Che Mohd Nashreen has been working in Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail, Batu Pahat, one of the University’s teaching hospital since he graduated from International Medical University (IMU) with his medical degree, initially as a Houseman and later as a Medical Officer. Inspired by the Head of Department of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Hospital when he was a houseman, Dr Che Mohd Nashreen decided to specialise in this area and has completed the first part of his MRCOG. 13179211_995703953817612_1061688152983463987_n As a doctor in the hospital, he has to carry out his clinical duties as well as teach and supervise the housemen. Dr Nashreen felt that IMU has prepared him well and IMU students who are undergoing their last semester at the Hospital are good students who are friendly. Speaking of the IMU graduates, Dr Che Mohd Nashreen said, “IMU graduates are most equipped knowledge wise compared to graduates from other local universities. All the specialists that I worked with feel that IMU graduates make the best house officers. These specialists appreciate the knowledge and attitude that these graduates have. A consultant at the Hospital also said the same thing to me.’

“Compared to graduates from local public universities, IMU graduates are more keen to get more work experience and more extroverted. They also have better communication skills.”

Dr Che Mohd Nashreen returned to the Seremban Clinical School on 10 May 2016 to give a talk to our clinical school students. He shared with the audience his journey since he completed his studies at IMU. Our Students’ Comments on this Talk “The talk was simple, entertaining and most importantly beneficial for me. I learned a few things from his personal experience that he shared with us. It is interesting to learn that not everyone’s journey is the same and there is no shortcut to success. I learned a lot from this talk and hopes that IMU will have more of this kind of talk.” Liyafizzira “From this talk, I learnt that it’s good to be confident, but not overconfident. Always look for opportunities and guidance from the Medical Officers and Specialist. To gain experience during House Officers, is all about grabbing opportunities. “Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.” Siti Nur Aliah Binti Rosly “Dr Che Mohd Nashreen pointed out about how the right selection for your postings during housemanship could decide how your journey as a houseman might turn out to be. I believe that medical students from IMU who would eventually practice within Malaysia would certainly benefit from the talk.” Sahan. “I found the session to be worthwhile as there isn’t any other better opportunity than to have a senior to come back and share his medical journey. Perseverance is definitely what makes a person.” Vinoshini Devi A/P Kailaivasan.

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