The Launch of IMU Nutrition Week 2013

25 Mar 2013

From 25 to 29 March as part of semester 6 (ND 1/10) events students are carrying out IMU Nutrition Week 2013 which will be officiated by the IMU President, Tan Sri Abu Bakar Suleiman. The Soft Launch of IMU Nutrition Week event is being held at IMU driveway today  from 9.00 am. During the week, Nutrition students and staff from the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics will be holding a series of informative and interactive fun filled games and promoting a number of simple activities that are designed to support healthier life through selecting and eating the right food.

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The theme for this year is: “Shape your Plate: Portion your Food, Healthier Life!” Students will be selling a variety of healthy foods and drinks at an affordable price at the Atrium. DSC_2506-47 Everybody is invited to join the activities and encourage the students events – all aimed at creating a healthier you. See the schedule for the different activities to be held during Nutrition week – we hope you can make it along!