IMU Pharmacy Student Attends Summer Course in Indonesia

30 Mar 2018

30 October 2017 – 17 November 2017 – I have participated in a three-week summer course on Interprofessional Health Care: Tropical, Neglected Infectious and Sexually Transmitted Diseases at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia and Puskesmas Kalibawang, Kulon Progo District. There was a total of 59 participants took part in the programme; 33 of them coming from Universitas Gadjah Mada and 26 people from VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, University of Tübingen Germany, Mahidol University Thailand, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, University of Malaya and I am from International Medical University, Malaysia. All the participants are studying different courses such as pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, nursing and nutrition. During the first week, I had five-day lectures regarding infectious and sexually transmitted diseases, primary and interprofessional healthcare, antibiotic resistance, complementary and advance medicine as well as attended the 5th International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPAPS) 2017, with the theme: “Global Trend in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research for Better Future”. After that, I was divided into team Kalibawang and went for placement at Puskesmas (government-mandated community health clinics located across Indonesia), Kalibawang. It was an eye-opening and great learning experience for me because I was given the opportunity to follow and observe all the activities running in the Puskesmas such as measles immunisation for primary school children, dental screening, medical procedures such as debridement of diabetic ulcer wound, urinary catheter insertion, burn management, minor surgical procedure to insert depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and interview session with tuberculosis and ex-tuberculosis patients as well as the parents of malnutrition children. With the information collected in the Puskesmas, my team wrote a report on “Management of Tuberculosis and Condyloma Acuminata in Puskesmas Kalibawang”. We presented a poster on the same title during the last day of summer course. With the hard work spent on the report and poster, we won the top 3 best report and recognised as one of the most active groups. Other than academic activities, all of us had good times during the social, leisure activities and cultural events! We had field activities in Borobudur, Pule Payung, Gunung Gajah and Sungai Mudal.

All in all, the experience is just so wonderful. I have gained so much exposure during the entire period. I made friends from different countries. We share and discuss medical knowledge, we talk about the cultures in our respective countries and we always have fun together.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank IMU for their support towards my involvement in this event. Other than that, I would also like to show my appreciation towards UGM for giving me a chance to participate in this summer course and the sponsorship that covered my flight tickets, accommodation and meals (exclude dinner). * The photo album of this course:

Written by IMU pharmacy student, Phang.YeeLin