IMU Psychology Lecturer gives Perspective on Child Abuse

23 May 2014

From time to time, IMU faculty members have been sought by the media to provide their expert opinions on certain topics which they are featuring. Recently, one of IMU’s Psychology lecturer, Alexius Cheang was one of these faculty members. He was interviewed by a China Press (a Malaysian Chinese Language newspaper) reporter on his perspective of child abuse. Alexius contributed two main parts of the article: harassment on kids and educating them about protecting themselves from sexual abuse. You can view the articles by clicking on these links:

  1. China Press 22 April 2014
  2. China Press 23 April 2014

Besides these two articles, Alexius has contributed his opinions on another two part article on the implementation on psychology in sports in Malaysia. You can view the articles by clicking on these links:

  1. China Press 27 September 2013
  2. China Press 28 September 2013

Alexius also contributed his expert opinions to a Malaysian English newspaper, The Star, on a wide variety of topics. He was on the Board of Advisor for Men’s Health (Malaysia) magazine and has contributed a few articles there himself. Men’s Health (Malaysia) contributions:

  1. Get Ahead of the Game – strategies for improving performance in high-level sport. Published in the April 2009 issue.
  2. MH Personality Test – profiling F1 driver player Lewis Hamilton. Published in the June 2009 issue.
  3. MH Personality Test – profiling basketball player Herb Lang. Published in the August 2009 issue.
  4. MH Personality Test – profiling tennis player Fernando Gonzalez. Published in the November 2009 issue.
  5. Mind Games – Learning life tricks from football to enhance your career. Published in the June 2010 issue.

Alexius CheangAlexius Cheang graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Psychology in 1998 from the University of Central Arkansas. He then graduated with a Master of Science degree in Psychology from California State University in 2001. He has earned lifetime memberships in Alpha Chi (National College Honor Scholarship Society), Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology) and Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars). His work experience includes working as a lecturer/trainer at a local private college (now a university), and later joined a non-governmental organisation, Protect and Save the Children Association, raising awareness in protecting children from sexual abuse and exploitation as the Assistant Director there. He has worked as a Sport Psychology consultant at the National Sports Institute in Malaysia working with elite athletes in the national badminton and shooting teams where he later became the Head of the Sport Psychology Centre. He currently works at the International Medical University as a Psychology and Behavioural Sciences lecturer. He has been interviewed on TV and radio as well as by magazines and newspapers on multiple topics and has also been on the Board of Advisers of Men’s Health magazine in Malaysia. He has given numerous talks on parenting and career guidance and his interest is in the field of positive psychology and its applications.   Articles courtesy of China Press, The Star and Men’s Health (Malaysia)

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