IMU Signed MOU with University of Southampton

20 Nov 2014

28 Oct 2014 – The International Medical University (IMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with its partner university, University of Southampton (UoS), United Kingdom. The Memorandum was jointly signed in the university’s campus at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur by IMU’s President, YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Suleiman and the Vice-Chancellor of UoS, Prof Don Nutbeam.


 The MOU was signed with the objective of developing exchanges and cooperation in teaching and research. IMU and UoS agreed to initiate the international partnership programme with the main goals and objectives of exchanging scientific, academic, and technical information and appropriate academic materials and other information of mutual interest, as well as identifying opportunities for exchanges and cooperation and joint research and development in disciplines of mutual interest.


The opportunities for cooperation between IMU and UoS include joint supervision of postgraduate students, joint PhD programme, joint application for national and international funding (e Horizon 2020 and Newton Fund), and exchange of researchers to enhance the transfer of technology. Tan SriWitnessing the ceremony were Dr Stuart Clarke, Reader in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Honorary Consultant in Health Protection, UoS and Joanne Fretwell. Country Development Manager (Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia), UoS, Dr Mei Ling Young, IMU’s Provost, Prof Peter Pook, IMU’s Vice President, Prof Mak Joon Wah, IMU’s Vice President for Research, Prof Chu Wan Loy, Dean of the School of Postgraduate Studies and many important invited guests.


University of Southampton has been one of IMU’s Partner University for many years and is one of the top 10 research-led universities in the UK and has achieved consistently high scores for its teaching and learning activities. Southampton offers first-rate opportunities and facilities for study and research, and a stimulating working environment. Southampton works closely with business and industry and has a strong enterprise agenda. The University of Southampton currently has nearly 20,000 students and 5,000 staff based across several campuses in Southampton and Winchester.

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