IMU Signs Collaboration MOU with National Stroke Association of Malaysia (NASAM)

27 Jan 2013

MU signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with the National Stroke Association of Malaysia (NASAM) on 23 November 2012. The MOU involves collaboration on community activities including health checks and nutrition screening, formal education courses, teaching students and public education programs. The MOU was signed between IMU Edu Sdn Bhd Executive Director—Dr Mei Ling Young and NASAM General Manager—Ng Wye Wye. It was witnessed by NASAM Board Member— Chris Low and IMU Director, External Affairs—Prof Ong Kok Hai. Janet Yeo, Founder and Chairman of the National Stroke Association of Malaysia and its board of directors invited Professor Dr. Ong Kok Hai and two other senior management members of IMU to the charity premiere event of Wayne Peng’s documentary, “Against the Wind” in conjunction with World Stroke Day 2012, on Monday 29th October 2012 at GSC Pavilion, Hall 3, Kuala Lumpur—to commemorate  World Stroke Day.

Dietary counseling by N&D students

“The documentary showcased the lives of seven brave individuals who had to cope with stroke with the wonderful support of their families.  The cases includes a 3 year old who had stroke at the age of 2 months, a university student, a 32 years old corporate female lawyer with two children and four other adults.  This very revealing  documentary moves me extremely and opened my eyes to the impact of stroke.  I hope to make arrangements for this documentary to be available to all of you in IMU”, said Prof Ong Kok Hai. As support to NASAM, IMU sent a group of Nutrition & Dietetics (N&D) students to complete their final year practicum in Community Nutrition. The students spent five weeks at NASAM and their placement was supervised by IMU lecturers and NASAM rehabilitation therapists. Throughout their five weeks placement, the students assisted with day-to-day stroke rehabilitation activities such as group physiotherapy sessions, one-to-one physiotherapy session, speech therapy sessions and other in-house social activities including outings. These activities help foster the patient-caregiver relationship and allow for relaxed discussions relating to diet to assist recovery, maintain nutritional status, and prevent reoccurrence of stroke. During this period, IMU’s N&D students also screened and assessed the stroke patients’ nutritional status and needs. Information obtained from the screening and assessment activity will be used to help the students plan and conduct small group education sessions aimed at improving the stroke patients’ nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior. These education sessions address both the stroke patients’ and their care-givers and is facilitated through various activities including nutrition talks, cooking demonstrations, sketches, and hands-on activities which include elements of conditioning exercises to improve physical strengths of the stroke affected arms and hands. “This attachment has built my confidence and communication skills with the stroke patients. I have found that good communication with the stroke patients builds trust between the care-giver and patient. This element of trust is important for effective patient care. I can also see that the role of a dietitian in responding to the stroke patient’s nutritional needs is important during their rehabilitation process. Additionally, the dietitian also works in unity with the speech therapist and the physiotherapist to better improve patient care”, said Oi Ker Huei, IMU Semester 7 N&D student. Monisha Mohanan Nair, IMU Semester 7 N&D student said, Being at NASAM ”…. was good as I had first-hand experience in helping stroke patients recover through dietary changes. I also learnt how to use practical measures to solve dietary challenges faced by these patients. I realized that dietary service to stroke patients should be given whole-heartedly, even on a busy day. The dietitian has to exercise patience and gain her patients’ trust before she can fully understand their nutritional needs. This is important for good patient care.” Overall, the MOU will help strengthen the relationship and connection between IMU and NASAM.