IMU Staff and Students Bond at University Day 2015 Treasure Hunt

8 Apr 2015

14 March 2015 – University Day 2015 Treasure Hunt was held in conjunction with the International Medical University (IMU)’s University Day 2015 celebrations on 13 March 2015. About 100 individuals comprising staffs and students from the University’s campus in Bukit Jalil participated in the event which served as one of the places and moments for the working and studying community of IMU to spend time together and get to know each other better. DSC_0024DSC_0030IMG_7517-2a University Day 2015 Treasure Hunt, as suggested by its name is a treasure hunt in which players need to find the treasure by using a series of clues. This version of treasure hunt is unlike the typical hunt; it is focused more on the element of team building among the group members by having a series of mind challenging and team spirit based game stations. It becomes even more challenging as participants have to pass through all the game stations in order to get all the pieces of the clues they need to find the “ultimate” treasure. Bis Each game has its special features that test the groups’ team spirit, organising as well as problem solving skills. The team that finds the one and only “ultimate” treasure wins the 1st place. The 2nd and 3rd winner is determined based on the points they have collected throughout the game stations. The prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd were hampers worth RM 200, RM 100 and RM 50 respectively. Each member of the winning teams were also given a RM 10 Mad Alchemy voucher. All in all, the games eventually created mutual respect and acknowledgement of the presence of the team members in the university and by having this, it is hoped that the staff and students have established a sound relationship that will last even after they leave this prestigious university. DSC_0226IMG_7573-3DSC_0164a One of the members of the organising committee, Salihin, said, “Personally, this event is a masterpiece and one of the exciting and fruitful events ever for me to work on in my life as a student. In fact, it is the first event that I have ever organised for IMU and of course, it was done with a team of committed committee members. The event was great and everyone enjoyed it.” This treasure hunt creates the opportunity for individuals to network and share their experiences with each other for the better of all and the institution itself. DSC_000a2a

Article is written by Muhammad Salihin, second year pharmaceutical chemistry student.

University Day is celebrated every year to commemorate the highly significant milestone when the International Medical College (IMC) was granted university status in 1999.  Achieving university status bestowed prestige to this very young institution and allowed us to offer our own degrees. Although the invitation to form a university was dated 4 February 1999, it has been customary to celebrate University Day in March or April, because February is usually a critical time for examinations in some of our Schools, in particular the Clinical School.

During the University Day celebrations, there was a presentation of Long Service Awards to individuals who had served the University for periods of 10 to 20 years.  Individuals also received Achievement Awards in various categories such as for teaching excellence and for research. 

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