29 December 2013 – 25 students from the Malay Cultural Society (MCS) of International Medical University (IMU) visited children of Rumah Titian Kasih at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. During the visit, the students gave the children stationaries in preparation for their new school term on January 2014. These stationeries were purchased with the money that was raised during a lunch event which was organised together with the IMU Staff. A total of RM600 was collected for this purpose. Besides giving the stationeries to the children, these students also helped to clean the home and prepare some food for the residents.
MCS’s President, Rasyidi Azimi said,
“We choose this home because we feel that they need our help most. My committee has decided to make this as our annual charity event and we plan to arrange several visits to help selected kids in their studies.”
Rumah Titian Kasih (RTK) is a shelter home for orphans, children and single mothers from broken families, the disabled and senior citizens. It is located just beside Tasik Titiwangsa, KL and has been set up around 23 years ago. The home has been receiving voluntary help from various institutions, organisations and individuals in continuing its operation. Besides this, the single mothers of the home sells snack food and other items as well as mini-catering as a source of income for this home. The home also provides care, skills building and education to its residents.