IMU’s New Student Representative Council 2013/14 takes up Office

6 May 2013

25 April 2013 – An official handover ceremony for the newly elected members of the IMU Student Representative Council (SRC) was held at the University’s campus in Bukit Jalil. The ceremony marks the stepping down of the previously elected members of the IMU SRC 12/13 and introduction of the newly elected members of SRC 13/14. There was also exchange of gifts and a video presentation from SRC 12/13.


  Speaking on the occasion, incoming President (SRC 13/14), Russell Wong Seah Khung said “Good leaders are made, not born. They are molded with good observational skills, and the ability to reason what’s fair and unfair, what’s good and bad, what’s normal and abnormal, all relative to the environment we settle in, hence a leader has to be versatile and adaptive, so that at the end of the day, we deliver what’s best for our colleagues, the students. A good leader is to be judged by his people, in this case, by our dear colleagues. My team and I shall be tested and be judged. I wish to remind everybody that leadership is overrated if I just act on my own, because I am nothing without my team, and this team is nothing without the students.

Reza-and-Russell Russell-and-MK

The IMU SRC is the bridge between staff and students helping to build and promote stronger relationships as well as to voice students’ concerns. The main role that SRC plays is to provide support to IMU students and ensure that their time in the University is enjoyable, safe and interesting. Each council is elected on an annual basis.

Student Representative Council 2012/2013

Student Representative Council 2012/2013

Student Representative Council 2013/14

Student Representative Council 2013/14

  The newly elected SRC 13/14 is as follows:

President Russell Wong Seah Khung
Secretary Andrea Goh Qui Cia
Treasurer Krithivasan P Raman
VP of Medicine Evelyn Chua Yi Lynn
VP of Dentistry Joshua Wong Siau Kwang
VP of Pharmacy Te Teng Huat
VP of Health Sciences Tan Eva
VP of Medical Sciences Charles Edward Nahar
Public Relations Dong Ke Yang
IT Representative Shaun Kuan Mun Leong
Social Concern Representative Khairul Hazwan bin Suhairi
Sports Representative Cheah Dong Lum
Cultural and Religious Representative Chong Wei Li

  Congratulations to the newly elected SRC 13/14 and best of luck!