Informative Preparatory Course for Conjoint MAFP/ FRACGP Part 2 Examination

27 Oct 2020

In collaboration with IMU Centre for Lifelong Learning, IMU School of Medicine led by the Department of Family Medicine successfully organised a 1.5 days preparatory course entitled “IMU Family Medicine Postgraduate OSCE Preparatory Course 2020” on 27 September 2020 and 04 October 2020. The Department of Family Medicine at IMU has been running similar courses multiple times since 2012. It has become one of IMU’s signature educational CME events. A preparatory course organised by IMU, whch emphasizes on the Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) format of the Conjoint MAFP/ FRACGP Part 2 Examination. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the format of the course was changed this year from face to face to online.  Despite these changes in delivery mode this year, the demand for the course remained high. This preparatory course emphasizes on the Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) format of the Conjoint MAFP/ FRACGP Part 2 Examination which is organised by the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia. The course saw a total of 15 OSCE cases involving various examination formats being conducted and discussed. The participants of the course comprised of postgraduate Family Medicine trainees who will be sitting for the upcoming examination while most of the facilitators are Family Medicine teachers with exemplary teaching experience. As per previous years, feedback from participants were extremely positive.

Participants’ Comments 
• Good.
• Very good preparatory course.
• Excellent.
• Very well organised. I have gained plenty of knowledge from this workshop.
• Very useful and relevant.
• Awesome! Thank you!
• Good and educational for the exam candidates.
• It was very informative, the flow was smooth, no technical issues encountered.
• Very informative and timely.