A workshop on ‘Infection Control Today: Challenges and Preparedness’ was organised by the Nursing Division of International Medical University (IMU) on 22 August 2016. The workshop was held at IMU, Bukit Jalil campus and was attended by 77 participants: 23 IMU staff; 15 IMU students and 39 external participants. External participants were registered nurses from both private and government hospitals, nurse educators, representatives from healthcare suppliers, medical officers and health professional students. The overall objective of the workshop was to provide comprehensive updates in the prevention and control of infections in healthcare settings and to create awareness on current issues in infection control and practice. Prof Victor KE Lim (Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education, IMU), A/ Prof James Koh Kwee Choy (IMU), Dr Leong Chee Loon (MOH), Siew Wei Fern (IMU), and Saraswathy Thangarajoo (IMU) were among the the distinguished speakers. The topics covered by the speakers in this workshop are: An update in infection control; Superbug: Antibiotic resistance and stewardship; Safe management of waste from healthcare activities; Putting evidence into practice: how compliant are we in preventing health care associated infections and Team-based infection control practices.
The workshop had a group activity on ‘hand scrubbing and screening using Glo Germ which was facilitated by A/Prof Ho Siew Eng and the nursing team. The group activity enriched the participants with the knowledge and awareness on proper hand washing technique.
The workshop was supported by four external companies: Terumo Malaysia Sdn Bhd; Saujana Scientific Sdn Bhd, Steriline Sdn Bhd and Melorita Healthcare, Malaysia. Most participants stated that the workshop was relevant, informative and useful for current practice. Participants enjoyed the interactive session and suggested that more similar workshops be conducted in the future.
Prepared by Radha Maniam, Co-chairperson, CPD Infection Control Today
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