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What is Chariofare?

Chariofare: Health for All

This year, we have decided that Chariofare 2024 will reinforce the need of unity amongst times of turmoil. Even though we have placed attention on global conflicts and events during these past few months; we have felt the need to pull our focus back on our own local communities that may be facing a proportional struggle for survival. Thus, we have decided on some key areas to focus on, by being inclusive to a wide population demographic as possible. For example, these key areas are for people living with disabilities, of low socioeconomic status and women susceptible to domestic violence and abuse.

To honour this, our logo reflects the belief in inclusivity to healthcare with the main theme being “Healthcare for All.”

We strive for this belief because healthcare is a basic right which should be inclusive and that empowers all.

As reflected in our logo, the healthcare providers and receivers of care are represented respectively in calm blue and vibrant orange. The blue symbolizes the competence and quality of our healthcare providers, while the orange signifies the resilience and vitality of the marginalized communities we serve. This bright and passionate orange embodies their determination for survival and our commitment to match their energy in our projects. Together, these colors highlight the harmonious partnership and dynamic spirit of our mission.

From the juxtaposition of both colours, it portrays the commitment from both parties for the success of any projects. It was also important for us to represent our commitment through the underlying silhouette of intertwined providers and receivers imbued in our logo.

In conclusion, the theme of “Healthcare for All”, emphasizes the importance of ensuring equitable access to healthcare services for every individual, irrespective of their background, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. By placing these words at the heart of the logo, the event underscores its dedication to promoting inclusivity and fairness in healthcare delivery.