The IMU Alumni Family Day saw alumni relive their student days while making new memories with their families at the IMU campus in Bukit Jalil. It was a day steeped in nostalgia as it began with an officiating ceremony for the IMU Alumni Family Day and a celebration of batch ME 93’s 30th anniversary.
The officiating ceremony started strong with speeches from Dr Paul Chan, President of IMU Alumni Association and Prof Dr Aziz Baba, Vice Chancellor, and CEO of IMU Education and a gong ringing session led by the eminent Tan Sri Dr Abu Bakar, Senior Advisor of IMU.

The celebration of batch ME 93’s 30th Anniversary kick started with a delightful speech by Dr Goh Hsien Ming who represented his cohort. Dr Goh took all who was present down memory lane as he shared photos of their student days which tickled his fellow batchmates as they reflected how far they have come. As a conclusion to the officiating ceremony and ME 93’s 30th anniversary celebration, a cake cutting ceremony ensued followed by numerous rounds of photo taking sessions.
The merriment continued towards the driveway where most of the Alumni Family Day attractions were located. The booths line up was made even more special as we had several alumni who participated as vendors during the event.
Alumni who Participated as Vendors
Radziah Karim (PS213) – Beautified By Radz
Mak Kit Kay (MPHMS19) – KalyMeetsClay
Leonard Yap (DN113) – Bald & Beautiful Café (LTD Dietetics Enterprise)
Lim Hui Bing (ME118) – Purpose Plastics
Sng Kim Sia (CM114)
There was a selection of games booth catered for alumni with young children and food trucks offering delectable treats. Some of the highlights included free flow of popcorn and soft serve ice cream which was appreciated by kids and adults alike.
In the midst of the happy hubbub, the IMU Alumni Association announced a lucky draw session which was met eagerly by our alumni.
Lucky Draw Grand Prize Winner
Dr Loh Ping Tyng (ME193)
Delighted recipient of the coveted Nespresso coffee machine.
After the lucky draw prizes were doled out, Dr Paul took the floor to express his appreciation to everyone for making time and participating in the first ever IMU Alumni Family Day.
The IMU Alumni Family Day delivered fun and nostalgia to its alumni and was a collaboration between IMU Alumni Association (AAIMU 23/24) and Alumni Relations Office .
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