A Step into the Light – IMU’s Students and Staff Rally for a Good Cause

28 Jan 2013

Cholesterol and glucose screening

Cholesterol and glucose screening

Health screen underway

Health screen underway

Blood donation campaign

Blood donation campaign

Mock cheque presentation ceremony

The mock cheque presentation ceremony with Prof. Dato Dr. Kew

15 December 2012- In conjunction with 20th Anniversary celebrations of International Medical University, ‘A Step Into The Light’, was organized by the Student Representative Council (SRC) and other students of the Clinical School, Seremban at Aeon Jusco Seremban 2. It was a charity event to support two charity organizations namely, Hospice Seremban and National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM). It was also a community service project providing complimentary health screening and blood donation held at a busy mall in Seremban town. The day started with health screen and blood donation campaign. The idea was mooted by Chang Wai and Jia Huang, two semester 7 students and some of their other classmates and was supported by SRC, Clinical School with advisors comprising Faculty and Staff of The IMU Clinical School. Movie ticket sales and donations helped raise close to RM4,000. The amount raised after deducting expenses was shared equally among the two NGO’s selected. Health screening was conducted by the IMU Sem 6 and 7 medical students under the supervision of 5 IMU lecturers namely Dr. Rajan, Dr. James Koh, Dato’ Dr Nagappan, Dr. Tan Ann Jee, and Prof Dr. Kareem together with 4 nurses from Clinical Skill Unit. The blood donation was conducted by the Medical Staff of Blood Bank, Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban. Ms Lilian and Ms Moghana from Student Service Department, Miss Nancy from Deanery, Mr Daniel and Ms Aida from IT department and some of the SRC committee members also helped out through the whole day’s activities. The health screening and blood donation drive started at 12pm noon. The tests that were done included blood pressure and vital signs examination, glucose and cholesterol blood levels, urine dipstick examination and stress index assessment. The health screening attracted more than 170 members of the general public. The blood donation campaign also drew a huge crowd and saw a total of 80 people donate a pint of their blood each. Booths were also set up by the NGO’s that were recipients of the donation and movie sale project. These booths helped to promote and educate the public on their activities and function. A total of 300 tickets for the movie “The Hobbit –An unexpected Journey” were sold. The movie which was screened at 8.30pm was preceded by a brief speech by Prof Dato Dr. Kew Siang Tong, Dean of the IMU Medical School. There was a mock cheque presentation by Dato Kew and Associate Prof Dr Philip George to the representatives of Hospice Seremban and National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM). Amidst the popcorn, soft drinks and cold theatre environment, everyone enjoyed the movie which provided a fun conclusion to a great day that witnessed IMU’s students and staff dedicating themselves to a good cause.