Community Project: IMU Festival of the Arts 2013 – Exploring the Magic Box Children’s Camp

18 Jun 2013

28 May 2013 – 29 children from Ti-Ratana and Precious Home, two welfare homes adopted by International Medical University (IMU), and 6 children of IMU staff attended a fully-sponsored one-day Children’s Camp in IMU Bukit Jalil. The main objectives of the camp were to explore and expand creativity, create self-awareness through creativity and to enjoy the process of learning and exploring. This is one of the community projects by IMU. One of the highlights of this year’s IMU Festival of the Arts, the camp was facilitated by dance therapist, Ms Vanitha Chandrasegaram, who guided the children in making masks, story-telling, acting and group art. The Festival of the Arts Organising Committee thanks Ms Vanitha, the homes and the children. Special mention must be made of the 10 student volunteers who so cheerfully gave their time and service. The students are: Ng Beverly (Medicine), Erica Tan Hui Ting (Medicine), Jordy Wong Der Yuan (BPharm), Ashley Ong Pei Yi (Medicine), Yeo Wei Yan (BPharm), Neela a/p V. Parameshwara (Medicine), Deborah Pang Jie Ying (Medicine), Lim Soon Yee (Medicine), Wong Chun Wai (Medicine) and Leonard Goh Zhong Ning (Medicine).

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