10 March – 5 April 2014 – Five final-year nursing students from the International Medical University (IMU), Ho Jia Wei, Sie Hung Ling, Siow Khar Menn, Ida Foo Hui Ming and Christina Kong Zong Xi had the opportunity to do their elective at Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan under the University’s Student Mobility Programme. At the Hospital, the students were assigned to two separate units, where two students were assigned to the Medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) while the remainder three students were in the Surgical ICU.
“As final year nursing students, we are required to take a nursing elective module as partial fulfilment of the four-year Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) IMU. This module consists of a four weeks clinical attachment in a hospital of our choice either locally or internationally. We decided to go to the Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital at Hualien, Taiwan for our elective and were very happy that our request was approved by the Hospital.” “We are very fortunate that IMU has been very supportive and had provided funding to us under its student mobility programme. This programme had provided us with the opportunity to gain new learning opportunities abroad. Having this overseas exposure as part of our degree programme has indeed enriched our university experience and broadens our perspectives on our future nursing career. We gained lots of experience, knowledge and skills throughout this period of attachment.” “The clinical attachment in Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital was truly an enriching and memorable experience in our life. Personally, we have also made new acquaintances and had better understanding of the culture and life in Taiwan. We were very impressed with the spirit of collaboration and teamwork among the nurses, as well as the other healthcare professionals such as the physician, nutritionist and pharmacist.
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