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Engaging Secondary School Students through Science

30 May 2024

We are thrilled to share the success of an engaging event organised by the Division Applied Biomedical Science and Biotechnology (ABSB), School of Health Sciences. On 2 May 2024, the facilitators welcomed 15 enthusiastic secondary school students along with 2 guiding teachers from Spectrum International School for an hour-long lab activity at a multi-disciplinary laboratory in IMU University.


The excitement was palpable as the teachers expressed their delight in bringing their newly formed Science Club to IMU’s Bukit Jalil Campus for a firsthand experience of our lively laboratory activities. The facilitators captivated the students with a hands-on demonstration of DNA extraction from strawberries and kiwis, followed by an introduction to pipetting skills through loading dummy samples onto a PCR agarose gel. It was heartening to witness the students’ eagerness as they delved into the world of Medical Biotechnology, realising the practical applications of these techniques in DNA fingerprinting and forensics. Their sense of achievement was evident as they eagerly extracted DNA from fruits and marvelled at the spooling process!


Alongside showcasing how to prepare peripheral blood smears and apply Leishman’s stain, the facilitators also explained how these techniques help in diagnosing various conditions. For example, they demonstrated how to count different types of blood cells, like red and white blood cells, and platelets. This helps to diagnose problems such as anaemia, infections, and clotting disorders. Students learned how these diagnostic methods are crucial for providing proper healthcare and improving patient outcomes.


Though the feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive, we acknowledge that time constraints limited our ability to further engage with them. Nevertheless, we are pleased to have laid a foundation for understanding the basics of Medical Biotechnology and Biomedical Science, and to have underscored the importance of such expertise in healthcare advancement.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the success of this event, including the Deanery, Head of Division, team lead, facilitators, and our dedicated science officer who meticulously prepared the experimental materials. We value the positive feedback from Spectrum, highlighting the rewarding learning experience and newfound knowledge gained by students. Furthermore, Teacher Intan expresses gratitude for organising the school trip to IMU, fostering enrichment and offering valuable insights into healthcare, thus inspiring student learning. Let’s continue to pursue such enriching experiences!


At ABSB, we remain committed to fostering STEM education and career awareness among students through workshops and scientific events. We look forward to continuing our outreach efforts and inspiring the next generation of scientific innovators.

Feedback on the Event

“I wanted to extend my heartfelt gratitude for organizing the recent school trip to IMU. It was an enriching and memorable experience for both the students and me.

The visit provided invaluable insights into the world of healthcare and medical education, and the students were truly engaged and inspired by the immersive learning opportunities offered at IMU.”

Teacher Intan, Spectrum International School

“It was a very fun learning experience.”


“I learned that, the white blood cells are much bigger than the rest of the blood particles and I know how the fruits have DNA now”


Prepared by: Ts Dr Yeannie Yap Hui Yeng and A/Prof Dr Lim Chooi Ling

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