Fund Raising Events

4 Feb 2013

The fund raising events are initiated by the IMU management with active support and participation of both IMU staff and students. They are carried out with the primary aim of raising money for charity as well as pro-active integration of staff, students and public towards an altruistic objective.  One of the big project is Chariofare which consists of charity run and charity fair. Charity runs have been initiated over the past decade and the participation of the public was actively solicited. The latest Charity run held on 22 September 2012 attracted over 1,500 participants; and coupled with the Carnival and Charity Fair on the same day netted well in excess of RM 130,000.  An earlier Charity Fair in 2011 also raised over RM 30,000. The IMU Charity Golf held in 2005, succeeded in raising nearly RM 60,000. For all these events, IMU provided a working budget as seed money for the initial planning and marketing and to ensure their smooth implementation. All the money that was raised goes to charity organisations that were pre-identified for each event during the planning stage. Apart from the money for charity, these university events also objectives of bring about integrating its staff and student population as a single family as well as bring about caring outcome into reality.

2012 Charity Run

Participants doing warm up exercise during 2012 Charity Run & the launching of Chariofare

Chariofare Charity Run

Prize giving ceremony for Chariofare Charity Run

Charity Stall by IMU Staff

Charity Stall by IMU Staff