The Stars of IMU Dental Programme: Nothing but Extraordinaire

10 Oct 2019

Nerds, bookworms, student’s with heavy glasses and lab coats with messy hair. It seems the society has stereotyped dentistry students as people who are boring and only knows how to study. Contrary to popular beliefs, we do have a life, an interesting one also! Académique We are here for a reason and the reason is academics. Kan Ing Zheng, the man who walks without a bump – is our top achiever. International or national awards, just ask how he does it.

3 international and national awards:
First Prize in 46th Asia Pacific Dental Students’ Association Scientific Research Competition on Variations of Mandibular Canal.
First Prize in our own SEAADE in Pecha Kucha Student Challenge – Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Dental Education.
Best Mentee in the SCATE Mentorship programme.

2 IMU dental students share their experience presenting at the Scientific Research Competition.

Just look at the prize money! Langeshan Theanballan, the representative of the class, leader of the pack. It’s no doubt that he leads well, but he is also one of the top students in class! Just right behind Ing Zheng, he was the 1st runner up in our own SEAADE in Pecha Kucha Student Challenge as well! Not to brag but, the 1st two places were wrapped up by our own classmates, if that doesn’t show how good they are, I don’t know what else can convince you! That confidence is to die for! Next up is Chin You Xiu, our smiling princess. A JPA scholar, very good academic results, magical hands to churn out the 2nd best Prosthodontics clinical case presentation, at Malaysia’s Next Top Dentists 2019 (a national dental inter-varsity clinical skills competition).



The Smiling Princess has her serious side too! Xhion! I cannot ignore you. The other great guy with gifted hand. Tan Vei Xhion is the Best Student Awardee in Prosthodontics. Xhion moves, literally, everything. The president for almost every organizing committee and student committee since age 1, kidding, since year 2015. His 2nd greatest achievement is organising the 45th Asia Pacific Dental Students’ Association Annual Congress in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in 2018. Always the familiar face delivering speech as president for lots of big events Jun Hong secured the Second Prize at the Malaysia – International Dental Exhibition and Conference (MIDEC) Scientific Conference. Why not first Jun Hong? Dear dear, I was the only dental student among the more seasoned, senior and experienced competitors (Yes, I am the author of this article). It was the photographer Jun Hong’s work – the KL-Genting on a single frame that went viral. So he conducts photography workshops and becomes the photographer, Dark Knight. Follow him on Instagram @jhong.visuals to follow his journey in photography!

­­The viral photo of KL and Genting Highlands Artsy Corner We study all the time, really, all the time. Na. Except when we do other things. We do have the artsy side of us as well. And the talents in our batch will blow your mind off! Lee Chun Hoe. Chun Hoe Chun Hoe……. Phenomenal dental works, we queue to him for fixing our teeth. A classy photographer and videographer, and IMU is his client. And dancing, don’t talk about it. Fire, literally fires the stage. The next day to his performance, I had to coax a few people to not make his moves without practice. Moves, glides, dances on his hands. The champion of the dance competition for IMU Cup for 2 straight consecutive years. I know a lot of you are waiting for him to graduate. Boy, can he sing, his own songs – Are you serious? Just ask the girls who follow him. Still don’t believe it? See his showcase on Instagram @dsleechunhoe and @lee.chunhoe to see it with your



Showing off his moves, god knows how many girls he has captivated Our Sarah.

If IMU is the client for Chun Hoe, God is for Sarah. She sings and everyone stands still till she stops. How good is she? Well I’m glad you asked! Sarah’s singing is so good, she has always been constantly hired to sing at events. Her “You & Me – SRH” is also my favourite and I am in the 100k listen counts since the launch last year. What an impressive feat! Do check it out, you would not want to miss this song out! Pretty face, but also a beautiful voice Yi Ping, the pretty top student who makes you also feel pretty. She is an in-demand makeup artist since 2 years ago after she enrolled in a makeup academy. And now, she is the founder of her own business “Blushed Artistry” providing makeup and hairdo service for weddings, ROM, dinners, prom etc. Please don’t leave dentistry, we need pretty dentists too. She posts some of her best works right here! Do head to @blushedartistry on Instagram to check out her works! You know she’s a pro from the photo. Des Sports We also have some of the sportiest person in class. Eugene Tan Pheng Chin. Despite the hectic schedule as a final year dental student, Eugene still manage to achieve quite a number of victories in sports and he was awarded Best Sportsman for IMU Dental Cup 2019.

Here’s the list of awards he got just this year alone:
IMU Dental Cup Badminton Champion
IMU Dental Cup Darts Champion
IMU Dental Cup Pool Champion
IMU Dental Cup Volleyball Champion
IMU Dental Cup Best Sportsman

Never too many medals! 

Wong Jia Wei, another talented darter in our class. Want a bet! He has won the first place for IMU Cup darts competition 2019. Additionally, he has been very actively involved in Toastmasters Club since 2013 and he is the Co-founder and first President of IMU Toastmasters Club.Here are some of the titles he won since: 1st runner up for Sunway University Toastmasters Club’s International Speech contest 2018 1st runner up for Sunway University Toastmasters Club’s International Speech contest 2019 1st runner up for Sunway University Toastmasters Club’s Table Topics contest 2019

Obviously, his smile shows this is not the first time he got an award here

Written by Tan Jun Hong

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