13-15 November 2015 – IMU Semester 8 Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) students won the Best Poster Presentations at the national Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Pharmacy Scientific Conference 2015. This year’s theme for the conference was “Pharmacist: Meeting the Needs of the Community”, aiming to provide integrated scientific knowledge from various disciplines of pharmacy, notably community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, herbal sciences and many others. Presentations were mostly from outstanding speakers and researchers from the hospital, community, regulatory, industry, research and academy. Nicole Lim Xiu Fern won the Best Poster Presenter in Pharmacology with title of her project “In vitro evaluation of the anticancer properties of the N-((1S,2S)-1,3-dichloro-1-phenylpropan-2-yl)aniline derivative” under the supervision of Dr. Wong Lai Chun, Prof Leong Chee Onn and Dr Mai Chun Wai. Her research team also included Lim Xiang Yin, Yew Chow Ping, Tay Shun Ern who are also IMU BPharm students. “First of all, I would like to thank International Medical University (IMU) and the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) for providing me an opportunity to participate in the MPS Conference 2015 as a poster presenter. The groundwork that came with this award would not have been easy without the undivided guidance from my supervisors and support from my family and friends. Through this event I was able to gain valuable insight on the current advancements and progress made in the various disciplines of pharmacy, notably community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and many others. I was also able to share my research findings with the other participants and learn about different research through the poster and oral presentations.
As a final year pharmacy student, I felt that the conference was remarkably cultivating and an excellent platform for self-development and to establish competence among healthcare students.” – Nicole
Another pharmacy student, Joyce Wong Xin Yi also won the Best Poster Presenter in Pharmaceutical Chemistry with the title of her project “In silico pharmacophore elucidation for bicyclic antagonists of human A3 adenosine receptor and its comparison with A2A adenosine receptor bicyclic antagonists” under the supervision of Dr Cheong Siew Lee and Dr Pran Kishore Deb. Joyce was undertaking this project with Jong Yi Wen who is also one of the IMU BPharm students.
“First of all, I would like to express great appreciation to IMU for the generous sponsorship to attend the 12th MPS Pharmacy Scientific Conference 2015 at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. Moreover, I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my supervisors, Dr Cheong Siew Lee and Dr Pran Kishore Deb for their constant guidance, support and encouragement throughout my research. I am heartily thankful for my supervisors for getting me the chance to participate in the MPS Conference as a poster presenter. Being an undergraduate student, the conference has created a golden opportunity for me to communicate and exchange valuable insights with the participants and the poster judges who are so experienced in the field of research. I am very excited to have the chance to share my work in a way that others can get value out of my research findings. The constructive feedbacks provided from the experts expand my critical thinking and improve my research quality.
Overall it has been a great experience attending the conference and I have learned a lot from the speakers and the participants. Most importantly, it has stimulated my interest in research, elevated my research quality and broadened my knowledge in various disciplines of health sciences.”- Joyce
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