IMU Postgraduate Student Won Best Poster Award

16 Jun 2014

17- 18 May 2014 – A postgraduate student at IMU, Jamilah Abd Jamil together with her supervisor, IMU senior lecturer, Ranjit De Alwis’s poster on “Impact of Night Shift Work on Dietary Habits of Nurses” won first Prize for the Poster presentation category at the International Conference on Occupational Medicine 2014.


This best  poster award was based on Jamilah’s research project for her Master of Science in Public Health degree in IMU. Jamilah, who is currently a lecturer of the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University, graduated with her Masters degree on 14 June 2014.

The International Conference On Occupational Medicine with the theme “Occupational Medicine – A Tango between Caregiver, Patient and Employer” was held at the Seri Pacific Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference was jointly organised by the Royal College of Physicians Ireland and PERKESO.