IMU Student Ambassadors Learn about Leadership

20 May 2014

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” — John F. Kennedy

This is the leadership and lifelong learning skills that International Medical University (IMU) intends to inculcate in the students. In order to do this,  IMU Student Ambassadors attended their very first Leadership Camp at the Nomad Adventure Earth Camp, Gopeng, Perak on 25 to 27 April 2014.


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While one may develop leadership skills through theories and books, some others had experiences through their teachers. The Student Ambassadors (SAs) from IMU, however, were given a chance to acquire leadership skills from Mr Lye Yen Kai, the lead facilitator and training manager of Nomad Adventure. His lively presentations of the principles of leadership such as “Identifying Leadership Qualities”, “The Art of Feedback” and “Recognising and Conquering Your Fear” in a short yet dynamic workshops empowered all of us. Following every short presentations were some tasks and games for us to accomplish, so that we were able to put our knowledge into practice. A good example would be “Challenge the Process” game, where we were required to think out of the box while adhering to the four given rules. Eventually, we learnt how tasks can be accomplished in a flexible, creative yet obeying-the-rules manner. We ourselves were even shocked by the end results!

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Throughout the entire camp, the SAs were challenged to “Take the Risk” and to “Challenge the Limits” through various sorts of adventurous activities. Making our way through the dark Gua Tempurung cave in total darkness was the first challenge on the first day. One of the teams formed a line and was trapped circling for many rounds without realizing it. Despite not having any light, they were still able to make their way through at the end. Some of the female SAs took up the challenge to conquer the high ropes element in the mountain school on the second day. Jen Yeen, one of the SA said:

“I’ve conquered my fear of heights! It was satisfying to know that it is possible to achieve things I previously thought impossible.”

The final day was great with all of the SAs having their first experiences on White Water Rafting at Kampar River which is 7km-long. As we struggle, we grow in this adventure.

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Just before we left the campsite, we had our sharing session. Some of the precious lessons the SAs gained include the importance of honesty in team-building, vision sharing, the 5-steps to leadership and the urge and necessity to “step up” and be a leader. Lawrence Chai, one of the SA mentioned that his most valuable lessons were “Experiences, leadership principles and challenges to his physical and mental self. More importantly, he has learnt how to be frank with himself as well as to others in team building.” David Lee Jenn Yuan says:

“The Student Ambassador team is like a brewing pot of talents. Through the refraction of other people’s character, I am able to pinpoint my defects whereby beginning to augment them. I have also learnt that one must LOSE himself, only to FIND himself.”

The SAs left the campsite at around 3pm on 27April. With them I see a luggage full of leadership principles and confidence.

Pictures from the exciting White Water Rafting  adventure!

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