22 March 2015 – Ten International Medical University (IMU) students from different programmes (Medicine, Dentistry Pharmacy and Chiropractic) and 10 IMU staff comprising of lecturers and corporate staff participated in a friendly match: Students vs Staff Shuttlers’ (SSS) Games. The Games were organised by IMU Badminton Club together with the IMU staff badminton team. This was the first ever badminton tournament in IMU involving staff and students. The principal objective of this event is not only to create opportunities for badminton players to interact and learn from each other, but also to foster bonds between students and staff through sports. The SSS Games started at about 10am and lasted about 2 hours. There were 5 categories in total: Men Single, Men Double 1, Men Double 2, Mixed Double 1 and Mixed Double 2. Each team (the student team and the staff team) had to send in a minimum of 9 players to compete. The winning team would need to win at least 3 out of the 5 categories.
Student team: Koh Khai Ling, Emily Ko, Jason Liew Yan Wei, Ng Soon Zhou, Kiow See Haur, Tan Teck Shen, Tan Chen Liang, Yap Jun Hoong, Tow Ying Quan and Lian Wei Kian
After a very close and intense fight, the student team emerged as champion of this match by winning these categories: Men Single, Mixed Double 1 and Mixed Double 2. Nevertheless, both team showed admirable determination, great sportsmanship and passion in badminton.
Staff team: Dr Naveen, Dr KingstonRajjah, Dr Sunil, Dr Vijay, Dr Nagashekhara, Ahmad Fadlee, Ahmad Hanis, Nor Shazlin and Shafaar Koohar
With the support and cooperation from all the players, the SSS Game 2015 was very successful. The IMU Badminton Club would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all players and we hope that the spirit of SSS Game shall continue in the near future!
I very like it!
I very like it!
I very like it!
I very like it!