IMU University Scholars’ Week 2024: Fostering Scholarship and Community Engagement

13 Sep 2024

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From 17 to 19 July 2024, the IMU University Atrium was abuzz with excitement as the IMU Scholars Committee hosted the second edition of the Scholars’ Week. This event is a newly introduced representative event for the IMU Scholars Committee since 2023.


Scholars’ Week 2024 aimed to promote the Scholars Committee, provide valuable information on scholarship opportunities, interview preparation tips, and effective studying methods, while fostering community engagement and participation within IMU University. Moreover, in conjunction with the opening of IMU scholarships’ applications, we also aim to educate Foundation in Science students about available opportunities and provide guidance on scholarship-related enquiries. Attendees had the opportunity to explore informative booths featuring posters of past events organised by the Scholars Committee, IMU scholarship brochures, and study tips, along with engaging in interactive game activities.

Event Highlights

Throughout the three-day event, the Scholars’ Week 2024 committee curated a variety of informative and interactive activities aimed at promoting scholarship and enhancing student engagement. The primary objective was to provide valuable resources regarding IMU scholarship applications, foster community spirit, and encourage participation in the IMU community.

Information Booths

The information booths were a major attraction, offering detailed, self-designated brochures and verbal advice on various scholarship opportunities, application criteria, deadlines, and application procedures. Booth presenters, who were current IMU scholars, shared their personal experiences and provided tips on scholarship interviews and writing personal statements. Throughout the event, many FIS students expressed inquisitiveness, and several gained inspirations from scholars, showing keenness in applying and striving for scholarships.

The booths also featured posters showcasing past events organised by the Scholars Committee, along with effective studying techniques.

Game Booths

In conjunction with the theme “Scholars’ Week: Back to School,” adding an element of fun and excitement, the game booths featured a range of activities designed to promote team spirit, creativity, and physical activity. These included:

English: The Word Game:

An individual game where participants fill in columns with words starting with a given letter. Points were awarded based on the uniqueness and correctness of words, making it a fun and educational challenge.

51 & Out:

A dice game played in groups, where participants aimed to reach a total of 51 points or above by summing or multiplying the numbers rolled on two dice. This game was both strategic and engaging, promoting teamwork and quick thinking.

Timang Bulu Ayam /

Bounce Ping Pong Ball:

Physical education games where participants either kept a shuttlecock in the air without using their hands or bounced a ping pong ball on a paddle continuously. These games emphasised coordination and physical agility.

The game booths were a hit. The main highlight of the game booths is named Physical Education: Timang Bulu Ayam and Ping-pong Ball Challenge, in which a daily challenge is available throughout the event, with participants competing for the highest scores to win customised Scholars’ Week zipped tote bags. Giveaways of exclusive tote bags to the high scorers each day further enhance the enthusiasm of participants towards the game.


Another game that received high compliments and likes from the participants is English: The Word Game. In this game, participants would have to fill in terms starting with a given alphabet according to given categories, where their scores depend on the number of categories filled in with the correct terms. Participants are given a choice to end the round anytime, adding a sense of competitiveness that brings excitement and challenges the vocabulary bank of participants.

Besides the competitive and thrilling games, for participants who prefer a more leisurely game experience, the game 51 & Out was dedicated to them. This game requires participants to achieve a total score of 51 or above by rolling two dice for seven rounds.  The luck-dependent nature of this game, which is filled with elements of randomness and surprise, certainly excites the participants and encourages them to challenge their highest limits of luck.

Special Highlights

The event featured special highlights, including free cute enamel pins as door gifts for the first 100 participants and aesthetic bookmarks for those who obtained two stamps by either visiting information booths or participating in game booths. These tokens added an extra layer of excitement and appreciation for the attendees, further encouraging their participation and enhancing their event experience.

Participant Feedback

Feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Out of 138 respondents, 94 found the information booths very relevant and helpful, and the game booths received an average enjoyment rating of 4.83. Additionally, the likelihood of applying for an IMU scholarship after attending the event was rated at an average of 4.53. Participants particularly enjoyed the game booths, door gifts, and the informative sessions.


IMU Scholars’ Week 2024 was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of promoting scholarship opportunities, providing valuable guidance, and fostering community engagement. The event reached out to approximately 140 IMU University students and some faculty as well as staff members, with most of them giving positive and encouraging feedback.


As we reflect on this event, we are reminded of the importance of being proactive changemakers in our community. As scholars, we hold the responsibility of serving as role models who can adeptly balance academics, co-curricular activities, and personal well-being. Scholars’ Week 2024 provided a platform for us to express these qualities through various engaging presentations and activities. Let us continue to embrace our roles as scholars and leaders, inspiring a positive change for present and future generations.

Written by

Kow Hong Kiat (BP123), Project Leader of IMU Scholars’ Week 2024 and
Khor Yi Cheng (BP123), Vice Project Leader of IMU Scholars’ Week 2024

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