IMU Welcomes Prof Jade Chow Wei Mun as Dean of Medical Sciences

25 Mar 2014

17 March 2014 – The International Medical University (IMU) is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof Jade Chow Wei Mun as Dean of Medical Sciences. Commenting on the appointment as Dean of Medical Sciences, Prof Jade said,

“It is great to be back in Malaysia and be a part of an innovative, dynamic, forward-looking institution with a can-do attitude and high aspirations. I look forward to working with staff who are passionate about quality, and playing a part in training doctors of the future for Malaysia and rest of Asia.”

profileProfessor Chow joined IMU on 17 March 2014 as a Professor attached to the Department of Pathology. After schooling in Malaysia and Singapore, and medical education in Ireland, Prof Chow pursued postgraduate training in London, gaining FRCPath and PhD from the University of London. She became Senior Lecturer, then Reader in histopathology, with specialist expertise in skin and bone pathology. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, and Regional Specialist Advisor for Histopathology for South London. In Medical Education, Prof Chow has expertise in assessment, having been Chief Examiner in written Finals at St George’s, and also in curriculum design. In pathology teaching, she developed innovative web-based material developed in a clinical context. She had a lead role in developing the University of London central question bank. She also has a keen interest in international students, and has been the tutor responsible for international students at St George’s since 1998.


As Chair of the Undergraduate Medical and Bioscience Committee at St George’s University London, she was responsible for the three MBBS courses, Biomedical Science, Intercalated BSc Healthcare Science and Bioinformatics degrees. Prof Chow’s research interests are in the pathobiology of bone, centred on osteoporosis and in skin cancer and melanoma.  

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