Journey of Nursing School: A New Chapter Unfold

3 May 2024

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I have successfully kept my passion in check from 2019 to 2023 as my dedication to nursing. My life as a student nurse was like a carousel that marked my ups and downs, yet I savor the ride. Undoubtedly, my flavorful four years have passed so quickly, leaving behind a shadow. And I am now the ‘pilot’ who landed safely despite the turbulences during my studies. Those memories remind me that nothing lasts forever, and time should not be wasted but to enjoy and cherish each moment we have had.

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, I cannot forget the fluctuations and changes we had in the learning delivery from physical to online mode and postponing of the clinical attachment. The adaptation to the new normal and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for COVID-19 was a challenge to all of us including students and lecturers.

During the clinical attachment in the hospitals and mental health clinic, we adhered strictly to the SOP and standard precautions of infectious diseases while caring for and managing the patients. Nevertheless, we have a great experience in the pre, intra, and post-COVID-19 era that further builds our strength to be resilient in difficult situations. I am thankful that I have not been exposed to COVID-19 during the pandemic till date.

Healthcare professions including nursing require collaboration and teamwork among all levels of healthcare members. I acquired not just knowledge and practical skills during my training, but soft skills such as communications, problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership and management.

It is not uncommon that everyone holds different opinions in solving a problem and this often leads to interpersonal conflicts. In particular, I have encountered this in various group projects and discussions during theory classes and clinical attachment. Although a uniform view is highly important to increase the chances of successfully achieving identical goals in a collaborative and effective manner, yet it is important to respect the differences as everyone has unique experiences and perspectives that shape opinions. Sometimes, it may not be possible to reach a consensus, and it is fine to agree to disagree.

Importantly, I am to stay open-minded to new ideas and maintain civility to keep the discussion respectful and constructive. In such a situation, I am very conscious of the power of active listening, and I learned to communicate effectively to resolve conflicts promptly and set boundaries based on the right principles to advocate patient safety, wellbeing, and rights.

The 4-year nursing training programme in IMU has shaped my personal and professional growth. I believe graduation from a bachelor’s degree is not the end of the chapter; it is in fact a new beginning for me to practice as a professional nurse. The programme has equipped and empowered me to face the real world. Nevertheless, the future seems to be uncertain, to me, I will strive to apply the knowledge and skills while upholding the nursing standard.

For those who have a passion in nursing, you will never regret joining the nursing profession. Believe me!


Written by
Tan Cai Ing
Nursing Student from NU1/19 cohort

Reviewed and revised by
Dr Chang Woan Ching
Programme Director/Lecturer, Nursing Division, SOHS

Reviewed by
Deepa A/P Kaliappen
Clinical Instructor, Nursing Division, SOHS

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