Navigating through Our Dietetics with Nutrition Degree at IMU

28 Dec 2023

Dietitians employ medical nutrition therapy to address dietary issues and translate the latest scientific findings on food, health, and disease into practical solutions, guiding individuals toward appropriate food and lifestyle choices. In Malaysia, there is a grave need for dietitians due to the escalating prevalence of lifestyle-related chronic conditions like obesity and diabetes. . In order to fill this void, the International Medical University (IMU) has been offerring a degree in dietetics since 2008.


At IMU, the Bachelor of Dietetics with Nutrition not only imparts students with the necessary professional and personal attributes for effective practice but also equips them with the knowledge to address the ever-changing health needs of individuals and communities. The programme has consistently earned recognition from the International Confederation of Dietetics Association (ICDA), affirming its adherence to international standards. IMU holds the distinction of being the inaugural institution to be granted international accreditation by ICDA for its Bachelor of Science (Hons) Dietetics with Nutrition course.


Two graduates from this programme generously share their educational journey and insights below.

Len Yuan Han: My Dietetics with Nutrition Journey

I would like to share some of my thoughts on studying BSc (Hons) Dietetics with Nutrition at IMU. Throughout the four years of study, I have been fortunate to have a bunch of supportive peers studying with me. We went through the pandemic together. Missing out on face-to-face courses for two consecutive years was really challenging for us.

However, I had dedicated lecturers who were very helpful in answering any questions that I had throughout my learning journey. I am glad that I did not fail any examinations and successfully graduated to become a dietitian. Placement year was fruitful and it provided me with a clear vision of what kind of dietitian I would like to be in the future.


Currently, I am deciding to continue my postgraduate studies overseas. I decided to enhance my clinical skills and learn about the cultural differences in foreign countries, particularly how healthcare professionals interact with their patients.

Broadening one’s horizon is never a bad thing when it comes to career progression. I plan to pursue a postgraduate degree, receive a dietetic credentialing, and work overseas for a few years.


Lastly, I hope that future students studying dietetics at IMU can be more proactive in their classes and clubs. Excelling in both academics and co-curricular activities can have a significant impact when applying for jobs in the future. These advantages can only be acquired through continuous effort, allowing you to stand out among your peers.

Tunku Muhammad: Adapting in Turmoil

My name is Tunku Muhammad, a graduate of the IMU Dietetics with Nutrition degree. My experience in IMU was fulfilling with a sense of eagerness to learn. Learning was challenging, fun and practical.


The support system provided by my faculty, especially in adapting to my learning as a visually impaired student with a genetic disorder called Stargardt’s, was exceptional. After informing my faculty of my central vision loss, they did everything they could to assist, and I deeply appreciate their unwavering support.

Nonetheless, my blind diagnosis did not stop me from working as a dietitian. Currently I am working at The Wave Clinic, a rehabilitation centre focused on mental health disorders involving trauma and eating disorders for young adults.


As the dietetics field does not have any form of formal specialisation unlike medicine, my plan is to stick to eating disorders and spearhead myself to be an eating disorder specialist. Once I attain that, I’ll probably jump to oncology or endocrinology or go freelance!

A piece of advice I can give to future students is to try everything, build your character outside of university and that will help you in the conduct of healthcare.